Mantak Chia

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Mantak Chia (born April 4, 1944 in Thailand ) is an author who deals with traditional, Daoist and esoteric Chinese meditation techniques , martial arts ( Taijiquan , Kung Fu and iron shirt technique) and medical concepts. He sees himself as a teacher who " helps his students to grow by cultivating Qi ".

to teach

Mantak Chia developed a synthesis of Chinese and other East Asian techniques such as " Kundalini activation", yoga and Aikido .

The focus of his courses and publications is on the Qigong teachings of the Taoist tradition of China, which has also produced the meditation and cultivation techniques of Tai Chi Chuan and Kung Fu , the spiritual side of which is related to Qigong. In his writings Mantak Chia teaches the control and guidance of the subtle life force Qi (also written Chi , in the Indian culture as Prana , among western esotericists also known as Od-force ). He prepared many Taoist exercises and meditation methods that are well known in East Asia for western users and created a graduated, practice-oriented system consisting of many concentrative movement sequences, breathing exercises and meditative techniques that are supposed to strengthen health and increase vitality.

The teaching content of his books includes the small and large energy cycle , the opening of the meridians, the exchange of chi between the individual organs as well as the bundling of life force in order to generate certain concentrations of strength known from Kung Fu or to increase the elasticity of the body. Several book titles are devoted to healing applications (e.g. bone marrow Nei Kung ), increasing strength and energy massage ( Nei Tsang ), others such as Eisenhemd Chi Kung are dedicated to Qui storage and condensation. His advanced works deal with inner alchemy and meditative methods of training the mind (e.g. Awaken Healing Light of the Tao , dt. "The healing Tao"). The boundaries of his thoroughly esoteric-oriented writings on Chinese medicine with their esoteric-spiritual background are fluid, especially since Quigong healing treatments are widespread in China and numerous scientifically controversial variants of energy medicine (e.g. acupuncture , Tuina ) are based on the same worldview.

Chia takes the Taoist view that orgasm and ejaculation should be separated in man's sexuality in order to maintain physical and mental health and performance into old age. In his book Tao Yoga of Love he gives extensive instructions on this.

His main work Tao Yoga. Practical textbook for awakening the healing primal power Chi provides guidance on how to experience the energy flows ( Qi ) that are effective in humans from the Asian point of view , to strengthen them and to dissolve the blockages that exist on the pathways intended for the flow of energy .


German editions (selection):

  • Tao yoga. Practical textbook for awakening the healing elemental force Chi . Munich 2002, ISBN 3-7787-7028-4 .
  • Tao Yoga of Inner Alchemy: The Secret of the Immortals. Fusion of the five elements . Munich 2006, ISBN 3-453-70040-6 .
  • with Douglas Abrams Arava: more often - longer - better. Sex tips for the man, the multi-orgasmic man . Munich 1997, ISBN 3-426-82099-4 .
  • Tao yoga of love. The secret way to the immortal power of love . Interlaken 1987, ISBN 3-7157-0079-3 .
  • with Maneewan Chia: Tao Yoga of healing love. The secret way to the female love energy . Munich 2000, ISBN 3-7787-7025-X .
  • with Maneewan Chia: Tao Yoga of healing massage. Energy massage of internal organs; a technique for self-healing . Interlaken 1993, ISBN 3-7157-0160-9 .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chia, Mantak and Winn, Michael: "Taoist Secrets of Love - Cultivating Male Sexual Energy". Aurora Press, 1984. ISBN 0-943358-19-1 . S. IV.