Marc Stegherr

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Marc Stegherr (born April 7, 1968 in Ingolstadt ) is a German Slavist .


From 1993 to 1998 he studied Slavic Studies in Munich , Prague and Saint Petersburg . After completing his doctorate (1998–2001) on Russian, he was a lecturer at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich from 2001 to 2003 . In 2003/2004 he was a regional adviser to the KFOR commander, Pristina / Kosovo. Since 2006 he has been a lecturer for South Slavic regional studies at LMU Munich . In 2008 he was a lecturer at Oriel College Oxford (History of Southeast Europe / Kosovo). In 2010 he taught as a visiting professor at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (Politics of Eastern Europe, German Contemporary History). Since 2011 he has been a representative of the international university network Polit. Communication netPol and visiting professor for political and European sciences at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj .

His research interests are South Slavic studies, Ukrainian / Russian studies , politics and cultural history of Eastern Europe and Slavic non-standard languages.

Fonts (selection)

  • The Russian. Cultural-historical and sociolinguistic aspects . Munich 2003, ISBN 3-87690-832-9 .
  • with Kerstin Liesem: The media in Eastern Europe. Media systems in the transformation process . Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17482-2 .
  • Farewell to the «cradle of Serbs»? Kosovo in culture and politics in Serbia . Klagenfurt 2011, ISBN 978-3-902713-05-6 .
  • The renaissance of the Catholic tradition. The reform of the reform of Benedict XVI. and the communities of tradition . Heimbach 2015, ISBN 978-3-86417-034-8 .
  • as editor: Humanism without God. On the significance of the criticism of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI. on postmodern relativism . Sankt Ottilien 2017, ISBN 3-8306-7795-2 .
  • The new cold war of the media. The media of Eastern Europe and the new East-West conflict . Wiesbaden 2018, ISBN 3-658-20434-6 .

Web links