Marco Molin

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Marco Molin (born December 7, 1758 in Venice , † April 2, 1818 in Venice) was an Italian politician. From February 1817 until his death he was appointed mayor ( Podestà ) of Venice, Austria at the time. He was followed by Francesco Calbo Crotta in office.


Marco Molin came from the noble Molin family. He was the only son of Gaetano Ignazio Molin and Isabella Cappello and nephew of Cardinal Giovanni Molin. He married Antonia Morosini (* 1760), who died in 1795.

In 1797 Napoleon occupied Venice, which fell to Austria from 1798 to the end of 1805, and then returned to France until 1815. Like most nobles, Molin lost access to public office. In addition, private assets were used to finance the war, so that many became impoverished. The French dissolved the corporations, the number of parishes was reduced from 70 to 39, and most of the monasteries were dissolved - a total of 60.

Prince Henry XV Reuss zu Greiz formally took over the city government for Austria on April 20, 1814, Heinrich was the first governor general of Venice until 1816 . After the end of Napoleonic rule, Mayor Gradenigo traveled to Vienna to show the emperor the devotion of the Venetians.

Only a few official acts of Molin have come down to us. With the secularization of the Dominican convent of San Zaccaria in 1810, the church there was also closed. Marco Molin and Monsignor Daniele Canal ensured that at least the church was reopened in 1817.


  • Giovanni Ricci: L'allarme di Marco Molin. Note sulla povertà nobiliare a Venezia fra la caduta della Repubblica e la Restaurazione. In: Studi Veneziani , ns VI (1982) pp. 297-314.


  1. Giovanni Ricci: povertà, vergogna, superbia: i declassati tra Medioevo e Età moderna , Il Mulino, 1996, pp 218th
  2. Fabio Mutinelli: Annali delle province Venete dall'anno 1801 al 1840. Venice 1843, p. 105.
  3. ^ Pietro Luigi Bembo: Delle istituzioni di Beneficenza nella città e provincia di Venezia. Studii storico-economico-statistici. Venice 1859, p. 304.
predecessor Office successor
Bartolomeo Gerolamo Gradenigo Mayor of Venice
Francesco Calbo Crotta