Marcus Foslius Flaccinator (Consul 318 BC)

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Marcus Foslius Flaccinator was born in 318 BC. Chr. Consul of the Roman Republic .


According to the filiation information of the Fasti Capitolini , the father of Marcus Foslius Flaccinator carried the prenomen Gaius , while his grandfather also carried the prenomen Marcus . According to the ancient historian Friedrich Münzer, he was a grandson of the consular tribune of the same name from 433 BC.

320 BC BC Foslius Flaccinator magister equitum of the dictator Gaius Maenius , the first known magistrate of his cursus honorum . Two years later, i.e. 318 BC. BC, he reached the consulate, where he had Lucius Plautius Venox as a colleague. He acted a second time in 314 BC. As magister equitum of Gaius Maenius. In the following year 313 BC According to the Roman historian Titus Livius, he held the position of magisters equitum a third time, this time under the dictator Gaius Poetelius Libo Visolus . The Fasti Capitolini , however, state that Marcus Poetelius Libo was the magister equitum of Gaius Poetelius Libo Visolus.

Nothing is known about the further fate of Foslius Flaccinator.



  1. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 318 and 314 BC Chr.
  2. ^ Friedrich Münzer: Folius 3. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume VI, 2, Stuttgart 1909, Col. 2828.
  3. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 320 BC Chr.
  4. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 318 BC Chr .; Titus Livius , Ab urbe condita 9, 20, 1 (which offers the name form Marcus Folius Flaccina ); Diodor , Bibliothéke historiké 19, 2, 1 (different form of the name Μάνιος Φούλβιος ); among others
  5. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 314 BC Chr .; Livy, Ab urbe condita 9, 26, 7 (without cognomen).
  6. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita 9, 28, 2.
  7. Fasti Capitolini ad annum 313 BC Chr.