Marcus Friday

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Marcus Friday (2011)

Marcus Freitag (born January 13, 1967 in Oberhausen ) is a German theologian and philosopher . He is a lecturer in ethics at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia (FHöV NRW) and, as diocesan representative, has been head of the Catholic police pastoral care in the diocese of Essen since summer 2014.


Marcus Freitag studied theology, philosophy, history and Dutch at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität and the KU Nijmegen / NL between 1989 and 1995 and graduated with a diploma in theology. Since 1996 he worked as a pastoral assistant and later as a consultant at the diocese of Essen . After his appointment as diocesan officer in the police chaplaincy in 2002, he became an ethics lecturer, trainer and pastor at the FHöV NRW in 2005. He also has lectureships for professional and management ethics at the Fire Brigade Institute (IdF) in Münster / Westf. and at the Academy of the Ministry of the Interior in North Rhine-Westphalia Mont Cenis / Herne. After additional qualifications as group dynamics (University of Koblenz / Landau) and supervisor / systemic coach ( DGSv / SG), Freitag is today the responsible state coordinator for ethics and professional role reflection in Police Training NRW, works as a supervisor, coach and behavioral trainer in various areas of church, municipal and social administration. Since June 2014 he has been the head of the police chaplaincy in the diocese of Essen.



  • Marcus Freitag, Ulrich Terlinden: Eucharistic Adoration. Understanding aids - design options (= lay people lead the liturgy ). Butzon and Bercker, Kevelaer 2003.


  • Michael Faßnacht, Marcus Freitag, Nicolaus Klimek (Hrsg.): Theological basic seminar. Information - experience - practical relevance.
    • Vol. 1: Biblical basics: history, images of God, meaning. Butzon and Berck, Kevelaer 1999.
    • Vol. 2: Church developments, Christian life. Butzon and Berck, Kevelaer 1999.
  • Marcus Freitag, Franz Gulde, Nicolaus Klimek (Hrsg.): Theological basic seminar. Information - experience - practical relevance. Material volume 1, Butzon and Berck, Kevelaer 2002.
  • Marcus Freitag, Nicolaus Klimek (Hrsg.): Theological basic seminar. Information - experience - practical relevance. Material volume 2, Butzon and Berck, Kevelaer 2004.
  • Marcus Freitag, Christoph Giersch (Ed.): Conscience - a moral compass with an unconditional claim to liability? An interdisciplinary approach. Publishing house for police science, Frankfurt am Main 2015.
  • Marcus Freitag, Malte Schophaus (ed.): Reflexive police. Imparting reflective skills in university studies. Publishing house for police science, Frankfurt am Main 2017.

Articles, contributions (selection)

  • Marcus Freitag, Maria Kröger: The testimony of God's history with Israel: the Old (or First) Testament. In: Michael Faßnacht, Marcus Freitag, Nicolaus Klimek (Hrsg.): Theological basic seminar. Information - experience - practical relevance. Volume 1, Butzon and Berck, Kevelaer 1999, pp. 70-98.
  • The Christian vocation. In: Michael Faßnacht, Marcus Freitag, Nicolaus Klimek (Hrsg.): Theological basic seminar. Information - experience - practical relevance. Volume 2, Butzon and Berck, Kevelaer 1999, pp. 355-379.
  • My conscience is clear - I never use it! A thoughtful consideration of an everyday phenomenon. In: Christoph Giersch, Marcus Freitag (eds.): The conscience - moral compass with an unconditional claim to liability? An interdisciplinary approach. Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main 2015, pp. 119–142.

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