Marcus Manlius Vulso

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Marcus Manlius Vulso came from the ancient Roman patrician family of the Manlier and was 420 BC. Chr. Consular Tribune .


That the consular tribune Marcus Manlius of 420 BC The Cognomen Vulso was only known from the information on a preserved late antique fasting list , because the Roman historian Titus Livius only mentions Manlius 'first and gentile names and of the Fasti Capitolini only the first part of Manlius' name, but not his Cognomen and ancestry is preserved. Another consular tribune from 420 BC Was Lucius Furius Medullinus . Since Aulus Manlius Vulso in 474 BC BC had also held the consulate with a Lucius Furius Medullinus , an older relationship between the sexes of the Manlier and Furier seems to have been resumed. Aulus Manlius Vulso was perhaps the father - rather than the grandfather - of the Marcus Manlius Vulso discussed here.



  1. Fasti Capitolini: Marcus Manl [ius]… ; Livy 4:44, 1: Marcus Manlius ; Chronograph: Vulso .
  2. Friedrich Münzer : Manlius 96). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XIV, 1, Stuttgart 1928, Sp. 1224.