Margarete Landenberger

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Margarete Landenberger (born January 21, 1950 ) is a German health and nursing scientist who has been a professor at the Medical Faculty of the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg at the Institute for Health and Nursing Science there.

Curriculum Vitae

After studying social work / social pedagogy at a university of applied sciences and subsequently working as a social worker in social services and in the children's clinic of a university hospital, Landenberger studied sociology at the universities of Tübingen and Bielefeld with a focus on social security and health care systems . From 1980 to 1995 she was a research assistant at the Institute for Social Planning and Social Administration. V., Bielefeld, at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), Berlin, and at the DFG Collaborative Research Center 333 of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 1990 she received her PhD from Bielefeld University. phil. PhD . In 1996 habilitated them at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg.

From 1995 to 1998 Landenberger was a substitute professor for nursing science at the Medical Faculty of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle. Under her leadership, supported by an advisory board made up of representatives from nursing practice and nursing teaching, doctors and health and nursing insurance funds, the nursing science diploma course began teaching there in 1996. Since the 2000s, it has been replaced by bachelor's and master's degrees in health and nursing science. Right from the start, the academic degrees were linked to the possibility of a doctorate and habilitation.

From 1998 until his retirement in 2015, Landenberger held the professorship at the Institute for Health and Nursing Science, Medical Faculty, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, founded in 1999. From 1998 to 2009 she was also director of the Wittenberg office, the health and nursing science section at LEUCOREA, a foundation under public law of the University of Halle-Wittenberg.

Focus of work

  • Assessment and nursing care of symptoms and side effects in cancer patients
  • Competence development / qualification of nurses for extended tasks (Advanced Nursind)
  • Patient-centered health care research in oncological-nursing prevention, therapy and follow-up care
  • Practice models and scientific evaluation of new information and communication technologies in the care of the elderly and the sick
  • Comparative studies on the training of health professions in Europe
  • Further development of models and study designs for nursing intervention research

Participation in scientific committees and journals

  • 1993–1994 member of the “Nursing Science” preparatory group, headed by Hilde Steppe, Head of Division for Nursing in Health Care at the Hessian Ministry for Environment, Energy, Youth, Family and Health, Wiesbaden
  • 1994–1996 member of the “Nursing Science” expert group at the Robert Bosch Stiftung
  • 1997–1998 member of the Federal Government's Pension Commission
  • 2002 Expert opinion for the Federal Constitutional Court on the Federal Old Age Act
  • 2002 - today Appointed experts of the parties to the agreement for the further development of the "Common principles and standards for quality assurance" according to § 80 SGB X.
  • 2002–2016 Advisory Board and Board Member of the Saxony-Anhalt Cancer Society (SAKG)
  • 2004–2013 Appointed member of the working group Innovative Projects of Applied University Research (AGIP) at the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Hanover
  • 2010–2019 Mandated participation in the AWMF-S3 guideline colorectal carcinoma of the guideline program oncology of the German Cancer Society (DKG) and updates
  • 2014–2018 Mandated participation in the update of the AWMF-S2k guideline for diagnosis and treatment of lip cancer of the German Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGMKG)
  • Since 2002 Scientific reviewer for ministries and organizations involved in research funding (BMBF, BMG, Robert Bosch Foundation, Hans-Böckler-Foundation and others)
  • since 2005 Scientific Advisory Board SALUS gGmbH, operating company for socially oriented institutions in the state of Saxony-Anhalt
  • since 2016 Head of Scientific Advisory Board AOK Bavaria

Publications (selection)


  • A. Bauer, JF Riemann, T. Seufferlein, M. Reinshagen, S. Hollerbach, U. Haug, S. Unverzagt, S. Boese, M. Ritter-Herschbach, P. Jahn, T. Frese, M. Harris, M Landenberger: Invitation to screening colonoscopy in the population at familial risk for colorectal cancer. A cluster-randomized study aimed at increasing participation rates. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 115, No. 43, 2018, pp. 715–722. doi: 10.3238 / arztebl.2018.0715 .
  • J. Baier, AML Rucker, M. Landenberger: Target orientation of musculoskeletal patients as a motivational measure to improve the success of therapy - multicenter control study in the nonequivalent control group design. In: physioscience. 13, No. 2, 2017, pp. 55-64, doi: 10.1055 / s-0035-1567187 .
  • H. Schmidt, S. Boese, A. Bauer, M. Landenberger, A. Lau, O. Stoll, H.-J. Schmoll, C. Mauz-Koerholz, O. Kuss, P Jahn: Interdisciplinary Caring Program to Improve Self-Management for Cancer Patients undergoing Stem Cell Transplantation: A Prospective Non Randomized Intervention Study. In: European Journal of Cancer Care. 26, No. 4, 2017, p. E12458. doi: 10.1111 / ecc.12458 .
  • Heike Schmidt, Daniela Merkel, Michael Koehler, Hans-Henning Flechtner, Jörg Sigle, Bernd Klinge, Karin Jordan, Dirk Vordermark, Margarete Landenberger, Patrick Jahn: PRO-ONKO-selection of patient-reported outcome assessments for the clinical use in cancer patients -a mixed-method multicenter cross-sectional exploratory study . In: Supportive Care in Cancer . tape 24 , no. 6 , December 16, 2016, ISSN  1433-7339 , p. 2503-2512 , doi : 10.1007 / s00520-015-3055-4 , PMID 26676238 (Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer).
  • Heike Schmidt, Katrin Beutner, Ute Berndt, Christian Wylegalla, Gerhard Faber, Karin Jordan, Dirk Vordermark, Margarete Landenberger, Patrick Jahn: The transition of oncological patients from acute care to rehabilitation: results of the OPTIREHA study . In: GMS Oncological Rehabilitation and Social Medicine . tape 5 , 2016, ISSN  2194-2919 , pp. Doc06 , doi : 10.3205 / ors000028 , urn : nbn: de: 0183-ors0000281 .
  • M. Hörold, M. Landenberger: Disease-related impairments and fears in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the outpatient sector - a survey in a cross-sectional design. In: Nursing Science. 18, No. 1, 2016, pp. 77–84 ( - doi: 10.3936 / 1331 defekt , January 2019).
  • Venus Medina Maldonado, Margarete Landenberger, Marbella Camacaro Cuevas: Women's Experiences with Gender Violence and the Mental Health Impact: Qualitative Findings . In: Open Journal of Nursing . tape 5 , no. 2 , 2015, p. 104-108 , doi : 10.4236 / ojn.2015.52012 ( ).
  • Anne Kaufmann, Heike Schmidt, Christian Ostheimer, Janine Ullrich, Margarete Landenberger, Dirk Vordermark: Quality of life in very elderly radiotherapy patients: a prospective pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-ELD14 module . In: Supportive Care in Cancer . tape 23 , no. 7 , December 6, 2015, ISSN  1433-7339 , p. 1883-1892 , doi : 10.1007 / s00520-014-2546-z .
  • Patrick Jahn, Margarete Landenberger, Alexander Bauer, Charles S. Cleeland, Heike Schmidt: Symptom Burden of Cancer Patients: Validation of the German MD Anderson Symptom Inventory: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study . In: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management . tape 49 , no. 1 , May 23, 2015, ISSN  0885-3924 , p. 117-125 , doi : 10.1016 / j.jpainsymman.2014.04.007 , PMID 24858739 .
  • Patrick Jahn, Oliver Kuss, Heike Schmidt, Alexander Bauer, Maria Kitzmantel, Karin Jordan, Susann Krasemann, Margarete Landenberger: Improvement of pain-related self-management for cancer patients through a modular transitional nursing intervention: a cluster-randomized multicenter trial . In: Pain . tape 155 , no. 4 , January 13, 2014, ISSN  1872-6623 , p. 746-754 , doi : 10.1016 / j.pain.2014.01.006 , PMID 24434732 .

Books / book contributions

  • K. Beck, M. Landenberger, F. Oser (Eds.): Technology-based competence measurement in vocational education - results from the BMBF funding initiative ASCOT. Bertelsmann, Bielefeld 2016, ISBN 978-3-7639-5459-9 .
  • H. Schmidt, M. Landenberger: Nursing tasks and therapeutic approaches. In: ME Heim, J. Weis (Ed.): Fatigue in cancer diseases. Schattauer, Stuttgart 2015, pp. 138–147.
  • Y. Lehmann, K. Beutner, K. Karge, G. Ayerle, S. Heinrich, J. Behrens, M. Landenberger: Inventory of training in health professions in a European comparison (= vocational training research. Volume 15). Published by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Bonn 2014. (PDF).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prof. Dr. Margarete Landenberger - ID: 82207., accessed on January 23, 2019 .