Marguerite Gonon

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Marguerite Gonon (born May 27, 1914 in Saint-Etienne , † May 15, 1996 in Feurs ) was a French historian, Romance philologist and dialectologist.

life and work

Marguerite Gonon was an elementary school teacher in Arthun ( Loire department ) from 1934 , where she met the regional historian Count Guy Courtin de Neufbourg (1888-1986), who could win her for his project of the publication of all documents of the Forez before 1400. She resigned from school after two years and became a member of La Diana in 1937. Société historique et archéologique du Forez ( Montbrison (Loire) ) and gave with Neufbourg, Georges Guichard (1868–1955, patron of the company), the linguist Jean-E. Dufour (1880–1951) and Edouard Perroy (1901–1974) published the Chartes du Forez , a monumental collection of medieval evidence. She also came into contact with Pierre Gardette in Lyon, who, as a dialect speaker, moved her to write a local dictionary and incorporated her into his large company, a regional language atlas. During the German occupation, she was involved in a prominent position in the Resistance. In 1945 she became an engineer at the CNRS ( Center national de la recherche scientifique ). In 1952 she received the Prix Saintour of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres . From 1954 she was a member of the Société historique, archéologique et littéraire de Lyon. In 1959 she completed her doctorate in history in Strasbourg with the text Les Institutions et la société en Forez au XIVe siècle et la vie familiale avec son vocabulaire, d'après les testaments . From 1968 she was a member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon.

Marguerite Gonon was Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. There is a street in Saint-Etienne and a square in Mably ( Loire department ) named after her.


  • Lous Contes de la Mouniri, Mâcon 1939, Saint-Etienne 1985
  • Lexique du parler de Poncins, Paris 1947 (Poncins Loire was the residence of MG for many years)
  • (Ed.) Testaments foréziens 1305–1316, Mâcon 1951
  • (Ed. With others) Chartes du Forez antérieures au XIVe siècle 13–17, 21–24, Tables, 11 vol., Mâcon 1944-1980
  • (Collaboration) Jean-E. Dufour, Dictionnaire topographique du Forez et des paroisses du Lyonnais et du Beaujolais formant le département de la Loire, Mâcon 1946
  • (Collaboration) Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Lyonnais, 5 vols., Lyon 1950–1976
  • Les Institutions et la société en Forez au XIVe siècle d'après les testaments, Paris 1960
  • La Vie familiale en Forez au XIVe siècle et son vocabulaire d'après les testaments, Paris 1961
  • Table des testateurs foréziens (1314–1469), Mâcon 1965
  • La Vie quotidienne en Lyonnais d'après les testaments XIVe – XVIe siècles, Paris 1968
  • (Ed. With L Malapert) Antonin Duraffour, Glossaire des patois franco-provençaux, Paris 1969
  • La Langue vulgaire écrite des testaments foréziens, Paris 1973
  • (Ed.) Documents linguistiques du Forez 1260–1498, Paris 1974
  • Écriture zodiacale. Des mythes païens aux paraboles chrétiennes, Paris 1978
  • (Ed.) Coutumes de mariage en Forez, Lyon 1979
  • Le passé forézien, Saint-Etienne 1996


  • Claude Latta et Robert Perichon (eds.), Marguerite Gonon (1914–1996), in: Village de Forez-Opus. Numéro spécial, Saint-Etienne 1997
  • JP Gutton in: Bulletin de la société historique, 26, 1996, Lyon 1997

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