Mary name

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Birth of Mary, Janez Andrej Herrlein , 1811

The Feast of the Name of the Virgin is celebrated on September 12th in the church year of the Roman Catholic Church .


The feast day goes back to a festival in honor of the holy name of Mary . The Ottoman conquest was stopped in the name of Mary, the Mother of God . The feast day was first celebrated in the Neo-Castilian diocese of Cuenca from 1513 .

Pope Innocent XI. (1676–1689) set the festival of ideas binding for the whole church after the united Christian armies on September 12, 1683 under the supreme command of the Polish King John III. Sobieski ended the Second Turkish Siege of Vienna with the victorious battle on the Kahlenberg near Vienna. The banner with the Madonna in protective cloak was carried in front of the army . Pope Pius X moved the feast of the name of the Virgin , which was initially prescribed for the Sunday after the birth of Mary (September 8th), to September 12th, the actual day of victory.

In the general calendar ( General Roman Calendar ) of 1970, the festival was deleted as it duplicated the feast of the birth of Mary on September 8th. In the regional calendar for the German-speaking area , it was retained as a non-mandatory day of remembrance due to the historical reference to the language area and its roots in the people . Since 2002, the name of the Virgin has again been included in the general calendar as a non-mandatory day of remembrance. Numerous churches are under the patronage of the name of Mary.

Importance in the course of the year

The peasant calendar marks the name of Mary as the end of summer:

Summer says amen to Mary's names

For the rural society, September 12th also had a legal meaning: From this date onwards, the poor were allowed to collect the grain left behind from the harvested fields.

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Individual evidence
