List of pawn rules

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The list of peasant rules is arranged according to the course of the year from January to December.


  • Good summer fruit follows harsh winter breeding.
  • In January thick ice, in May lush rice.
  • January has to crash if spring is supposed to laugh.
  • If there is wind from the east in January, the earth will slowly freeze.
  • January dry and rough, good for growing grain.
  • If January is bright and white, summer likes to be hot.
  • If ice and snow creak in January, there is a lot of grain and clover for harvest.
  • If the frost does not come in January, it will show its face in March.
  • If the grass grows in January, it is in danger in summer.
  • When a lot of fog rises in January, a beautiful spring appears.
  • The beginning and end of January show the weather for the whole year.
  • If January has a lot of rain, the fruits are not blessed.
  • In January a lot of music dancing spoils the forage harvest completely.
  • January without snow hurts trees, mountains and valleys.
  • So many drops in January, so much snow in May.
  • If you want to praise January, it has to freeze and rage.
  • If the mole throws in January, winter even lasts until May.
  • Dry, cold January is followed by a lot of snow in February.
  • January has to crack from the cold if the harvest is to sag well.

January 1st: New Year, Solemnity of Mother Mary

  • Like St. Kathrein (November 25th) it will be New Year.
  • The beginning and end of January show the weather for a whole year.
  • The New Year's Eve bright and clear indicates a rich year.
  • New Year's Eve quietly and clearly indicates a good year.
  • Dawn on the first day / New Year's day brings storms and great nuisance.
  • When it rains around New Year, snow often still throws around Easter.
  • On New Year's Day sunshine, the year lets us be fruitful.

January 2nd: St. Makarios (Makarius), St. Basil

  • Macarius predicts the weather for the whole harvest season.
  • As the weather was on Makarius, so will September: cloudy or clear.
  • Makarius, who knows what the whole year will bring.
  • Like Basil, like September.

January 3: St. Genoveva

  • If Genoveva brings us storm and wind, Waltraud (April 9) is often mild to us.

January 6th: Epiphany, Epiphany

Christmas ornament
  • From Christmas to Epiphany one may well pay attention to the weather, because how the weather behaves, so is the order of the new months.
  • How the weather holds up from Christmas to Epiphany, it is usually ordered afterwards.
  • If there is no winter by Dreikönig, no one will find out.
  • If there was no winter by Epiphany, he would not deserve a medal until Easter.
  • If winter didn't come by Epiphany, it won't come by Easter either.
  • If winter rarely shows its grim face until Epiphany, it does not show it until Easter either.
  • Is the Holy Three Kings sunny and quiet, the winter does not want to give way before Easter.
  • If Dreikönig is bright and clear, there will be plenty of wine in the new year.

January 8th: St. Erhard / Severin

  • Sankt Erhard with the Hack 'puts the winter day / holiday in the sack.
  • Erhard with the hack, he's in the sack for Christmas.
  • If Severin likes it, he brings the great cold with him.

January 9th: St. Julian, St. Gregory

  • Saint Julian breaks the ice; if he doesn't break it, he hugs it.
  • Saint Julian breaks the ice, or he brings it with him from his rice.
  • When the sun shines on Gregor, there is bliss among grain and wine growers.

January 10th: Paulus Einsiedel

  • Sankt Pauli Sunshine brings a lot of grain and good wine
  • If St. Paul's Day is mild, there are rough winds in spring.
  • If Paul doesn't drop a drop, there are few bales at the time of the day.

January 15th: St. Habakkuk

  • Also plays the Muck 'around Habakuk, the farmer looks after the feed.
  • Schnake has an easy time of it, January brings a lot of warmth. However, our mosquito does not bite, nor does Habakuk's face swell.

January 16: St. Theobald, St. Marcellus

Main article : Marcellus I.
  • Theobald, the Theobald, he's making our houses cold.
  • The cold that comes when Theobald's days are long.
  • How the weather was on Marzellus, it will be in September: cloudy or clear.

January 17th: St. Anthony

  • If the air is clear at Antoni, the year will be dry.
  • Sometimes the great cold on St. Anthony's Day doesn't last long.
  • Antonius with the white beard, when it doesn't rain, he doesn't skimp on the snow.
  • Around Antonius the days increase for a little monk's rest.
  • Great cold on Antoni day, great heat on Lorenzi day (August 10).
  • Sankt Anton with the white beard doesn't skimp on snow.

January 20: St. Fabian, St. Sebastian

  • On Fabian and Sebastian the tree and day start to grow.
  • The real winter begins for Fabian and Sebastian.
  • About Fabian and Sebastian, the tree begins to sap.
  • The juice is supposed to pour into the trees on Fabian and Sebastian.
  • Storm and frost on Fabian are good for all crops.
  • Fabian in the fog hat is not doing the trees / plants any good.
  • If the mosquitoes are dancing around Fabian, you have to pinch the cows' feed later.
  • Sebastian the colder and lighter - then the barrels and barrels become fuller.
  • Sunshine around Fabian and Sebastian, he lets the animals run out of food.
  • About Fabian and Sebastian, the deaf also accepts the dove.

January 21st: St. Agnes

  • When Agnes and Vincentus come (→ January 22nd), new sap will be heard in the tree.
  • The Agnesonne has neither strength nor delight.
  • Sunshine on Agnestag, the fruit may get worm-eaten.
  • If the sun shines at Agnes, the harvest will later be bliss.
  • When clouds move over the ground on August, the harvest always remains healthy.

January 22nd: St. Vincent

  • With Saint Vincentius there is a new frost or winter end.
  • To St. Vincent, winter has no end yet '.
  • When Saint Vincent comes deep in the snow, the year brings a lot of hay and clover.
  • When Agnes and Vincent come, new sap will be heard in the tree. (→ January 21)
  • On the day Vincentius must grow every vine.
  • Whatever the weather was like on St. Vinzenz, it can be the whole year round: Nice weather brings profit, so remember the day in your mind.
  • At Vinzenzi full of sunshine we hope for grain and wine // ... brings us plenty of grain and wine // ... brings the winemaker good wine,
  • Vinzenzi Schein brings a lot of wine.
  • When the sun shines pale on Vinzenzi, it fills the barrel with good wine.
  • If Vincent is in water, it is not good for the wine; even pours it into the Wann '- alas, how is he then?
  • When Vincent walks in the snow, there is a lot of hay and clover.

January 25: Pauli conversion

  • On the day of Pauli conversion, half the winter and half the winter.
  • St. Paulus cold with sunshine, the year will probably be fruitful.
  • The colder our Pauli and also the lighter, the fuller the barn and cellar become.
  • If the sun shines beautifully on Pauli conversion, it brings the fruit good presents.
  • If the weather is nice at Pauli Bekehr, we will see a warm spring; but if it is damp and bad, spring comes late as a lazy servant.
  • When the sun shines on Paul’s Day, it always means a good year. But if it will snow or rain, we can face a moderate year.
  • If it rains or snows at Pauli, an expensive time follows.
  • Pauli conversion - no more winter.
  • Pauli convert - half winter, shear off.
  • If it is clear to Paul, a good year will come.
  • If it has wind, it rains quickly.
  • But when it rains or snows, the grain becomes expensive.
  • When the fog is thick, disease fills the coffin.
  • But God alone turns away all pain (joke).

January 26: St. Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus

  • Timothy breaks the ice; if it doesn't have one, then he does one.

January 30th: St. Martina of Rome

  • Martina Sonnenschein promises a lot of fruit and good wine.
  • If the sun shines mildly on Martina, she is the image of a good harvest.
  • When January brings a lot of rain, the fields of God are fertilized.
  • If Martina brings sunshine, one hopes for a lot of grain and wine.

January 31: Vigilius of Trient ( transfer of the bones )

  • If it freezes a lot around Vigilius, there must be a lot of cold in March.
  • The beginning and end of January show the weather for a whole year.


  • February has to storm and blow if the cattle are to graze in the spring.
  • When the mosquitoes fiddle in February, they have to be silent in March.
  • Mosquitoes play in February, sheep and bees freeze all year round.
  • A wet February brings a fertile year.
  • The wetter it is in February, the wetter the whole year will be.
  • If February is dry and cold, the heat will soon come in March.
  • If February is dry and cold, the heat will soon come in the spring.
  • If February drops water, March will freeze.
  • Fog in February - cold all year round.
  • Strong north winds in February announce a fertile year.
  • If the north wind doesn't want it, it will surely come in April.
  • In February the storms must flare up to make the ox wiggle its horns.
  • If it is too warm in February, at Easter you will freeze right down to the bowels.
  • February with frost and wind makes the Easter days mild.
  • In Hornung snow and ice, making the summers are long and hot.
  • If it doesn't snow in February, it will snow in Easter time.
  • Cold February means a good year for rye.
  • If the Hornung has mercy, bilge brings the frost at night.
  • Every month of the year curses a beautiful February.

February 2nd: Candlemas, Presentation of the Lord

  • At Candlemas, the farmer starts over with the year's work.
  • Candlemas in the clover, Easter in the snow.
  • At Candlemas, let it be winter, spring is coming soon.
  • After Candlemas it can be winter, spring comes in early.
  • If there is Candlemas sunshine, it will be late spring.
  • In Candlemas Sunshine, it still brings in a lot of snow; but if there is rain and no sunshine, winter is gone and does not return.
  • If the sun shines clear at Candlemas, there is still late frost and no fertile year; but when it storms and snows at Candlemas, spring is not far away.
  • To Lichtmess bright and beautiful - winter will never go there.
  • If rain falls at Candlemas, winter will hardly come back either.
  • When it storms and rages at Candlemas, the farmer praises the weather; but if the sun shines happily - then farmer, keep your straw.
  • The stormier it is around Candlemas, the more certain a good spring is.
  • Very cold at Candlemas, winter doesn't get old.
  • It usually gets cold for a very long time when the fog falls at Candlemas.
  • If the sun shines at Candlemas, the bees do well.
  • About candlestick lark song, does not worry about the spring.
  • If the lark is already singing brightly, our farmer's fur is going to be hit.
  • If the badger sundays during the Candlemas week, he goes back to Loche for 4 weeks.
  • Lichtmess - half food eaten ' (= winter supply is half used)
  • When the sun glows at Candlemas, there is a lot of snow and frost in February
  • When it storms and snows at Candlemas, spring is not far away. If it is bright and clear at candlestick, winter is neither half nor even.
  • If it's clear and bright at Candlemas, spring won't come so quickly.
  • When it storms and snows at Candlemas, spring is not far away. But if it is mild and warm at Candlemas, then at Easter it will freeze, that God have mercy.
  • When it storms and snows at Candlemas, spring is not far away, but if it is clear and light, spring does not come so quickly.

February 3rd: St. Blaise of Sebaste

  • Saint Blaise is on his toes and rejects winter's horns.
  • Sankt Blas' and Urban (May 25th) without rain follows a good harvest blessing.

February 5th: St. Agatha of Catania

  • On the fifth, on Agatha day, the water trickles down the mountain.
  • Agathe, our divine bride, who makes snow and ice thaw away.
  • The day of St. Agatha, which was often rich in snow.
  • On St. Agathe's sunshine, brings a lot of grain and good wine.

February 6th: St. Dorothea

  • Sometimes Dorothee brings us most of the snow.
  • Saint Dorothee likes to wade through the snow.
  • Sankt Dorothee usually brings snow.
  • After Dorotheentag, no more snow likes to come.
  • If Dorothee brings a lot of snow, summer brings good clover.

February 9: St. Apollonia

  • If the virgin Apollonia comes, the larks will soon be there again.
  • If Apollonia is humid, winter often escapes very late.

February 12: St. Eulalia of Barcelona

  • Sankt Eulalia sunshine, brings lots of fruit and good wine.
  • Eulalia in the sunshine brings a lot of apples and cider.

February 14: St. Valentin of Terni ( Valentine's Day )

  • On St. Valentine's Day, the wheel and the mill freeze.
  • If Valentin has a lot of rainwater, spring will be even wetter.
  • If it's still white on Valentine's Day, the rice will already bloom by Easter .
("Rice" here does not mean the grain (the rice), but the "young shoots" (the rice, sticks).)
  • On Saint Valentine's Day, ice and snow go away.
  • If it was frozen in Saint Valentine, the weather was long lost.
  • Cold Valentin, early spring start.
  • The bike and Mühlbach freeze before Valentin.

February 16: St. Simeon, Bishop of Metz

  • If it suddenly freezes on Simeon, the frost does not remain legal for long.
  • Simon shows with his day that the frost will no longer be a plague.

February 18: St. Simon, ward leader

  • Simon shows with his day that the frost will no longer be a plague.
  • If it suddenly freezes around Simon, the frost does not remain “legal” for long.
  • After the day of Simon the frost should not plague us for long.

February 21st: St. Felix I, Bishop of Metz

  • Felix and Petrus (February 22nd) show what kind of weather we have forty days.

February 22nd: Petri chair celebration

  • Clement (November 23) brings us winter,
St. Peter's Chair beckons to spring;
St. Urban brings us summer (May 25th),
autumn begins after Barthel (August 24th).
  • If it freezes at Petri chair party, it freezes another fourteen times this year.
  • If it blows very cold around Petri Stuhl, it stays cool for 14 days.
  • As Peter does before Mathias, it stays another 40 night
  • The night at Petri Stuhl shows what kind of weather we have to do for 40 days.
  • If Petri Stuhlfeier is cold, the winter still has 40 days of violence.
  • If it was very cold on St. Peter's Night, the winter will continue to be violent for a long time.
  • If St. Peter is cold, the cold still has power for a long time.
  • Petri chair celebration cold, because the winter is very old.
  • If it freezes on St.Peter's Night, the ice will crack for a long time.
  • If Petri Stuhlfeier still has a lot of ice and a lot of east (= wind), February still brings strong frost.
  • After the cold of St.Peter's Night, winter soon loses its strength.
  • If it is cold at Sankt Peter, the winter will last for a long time.
  • If it is mild and the brook is open after Petri, there will be no more ice cream.
  • If the streams are open at St. Petri, no more ice will hit them later.
  • If the weather is fine on Peter, you can soon sow cabbage and peas.
  • If Peter unlocks the heat and Matthias closes it again (February 24th), the calf is still freezing in the cow.

February 24th: St. Matthias, Apostle

  • If Peter opens the heat (February 22nd) and Matthias closes it again, the calf is still freezing in the cow.
  • Matthias breaks the ice, but gently, otherwise the cold will come to power in spring.
  • Matthias, yes, he breaks the ice, and if he doesn't have one, he makes one.
  • Was it cold on Matthias, and the frost persisted for a long time.
  • If it is cold on St. Matthias, the cold still has violence for a long time.
  • When Matthias brings new ice cream, it will freeze for another 14 days; no matter how beautiful the lark sings - the night brings a new plague.
  • If Matthias entered stormy, it could be winter until Easter.
  • If Mattheis has lost his hack , St. Joseph will not pierce the ice until March 19.
  • The sun on Matthias, it throws a hot stone into the ice.
  • Matthias loves us, he gives the tree its first shoot.
  • After Mattheis, no fox walks over the ice anymore.
  • After Mattheis, the lark is drinking from the platform.
  • When Matthias comes over, the chicken will lay the first egg.
  • Soon after Matthias Day, the frogs jump into the stream.
  • Beekeeper, on Matthias Day, your bee may fly.

February 25: St. Walburga, Abbess of Heidenheim

  • When Sankt Walburgis shows up, the birch sap rises.
  • Walburga snow always hurts.
  • Sankt Burgel is the winter at the throat.

February 26: St. Alexander of Alexandria

  • Alexander and Leander (February 27th) smell the air of March together.

February 27: St. Leander of Seville

  • Alexander (February 26th) and Leander smell the air of Märzen together.

February 28: St. Romanus of Condat

  • Santa's novel bright and clear means a good year.

February 29: St. Roman

  • Santa's novel bright and clear means a good year.
  • If the Romanus was bright and clear, it means a good year.
  • To Romanus and Lupicinius (March 21st) - our sun must shine.


  • March is supposed to come like a wolf and go like a lamb.
  • A lazy, damp March is pain for every farmer.
  • March green will be gone soon.
  • March sun - short bliss.
  • Do not fear the snow in March, a warm heart beats underneath.
  • March snow and maiden splendor often last only one night.
  • When the violets bloom in March, the swallows often fly on Ludwig (August 25).
  • Snow that only blows in March, comes in the evening and immediately goes away.
  • If you see yellow flowers outdoors in March, you may well sprinkle your seeds.
  • If you sow too early in March, it is often a wasted effort.
  • As it rains in March, it will rain in June.
  • If there is too much rain in March, the harvest brings little blessing.
  • Märzenstaub brings grass and leaves.
  • If March gets dry, it brings bread for everyone.
  • Märzenstaub and Märzenwind are harbingers of good summer.
  • March rain is not followed by a sun blessing.

March 1st: St. Albin, Bishop of Angers

  • If it rains heavily on Albinus, it annoys the farmer a lot.
  • Saint Albin in the rain, no harvest blessing.
  • When it rains on Sankt Albin, there is neither hay nor straw.

March 3rd: St. Kunigunde

  • Sankt Kunigund warms up from below.
  • Laughing Kunigunde, she brings us good news.
(Rain that day shouldn't be a good sign for the coming harvest!)
  • If Kunigunde was heavy with tears, the barn often remains empty.
  • If the Kunigunde is heavy with tears, the barn and barrel often remain empty.
  • When it thunders around the Kunigund, the winter will keep it colorful for a long time.
  • When it freezes on Kunigunden, the frost reigns for another 40 nights.

March 6th: St. Fridolin

  • Around the day of Fridolin, the last winter draws on.
  • After Fridolin, winter is coming.
  • With their sheep back again, so the shepherds pull on Fridolin.
  • After the day of Fridolein, the plow must be in the field.

March 7th: St. Perpetua and St. Felizitas

  • Perpetua and Felizitas, they bring us the first grass.

March 8: St. Cyprian

  • When it thunders around St. Cyprian, you often put on your gloves.

March 10: 40 martyrs / 40 knights

  • 40 knights with ice and snow, the furnace hurts for another 40 days.
  • The 40 knights even with ice and snow, they hurt the stoves for a long time.
  • Rain that the forty send will not end for 40 days.
  • As the weather falls on 40 martyrs, the same lasts for 40 days.
  • As it smells of 40 knights, it smells another 40 days.
  • If it freezes on 40 knights day, 40 more frosts will follow.
  • As our weather drops to 40 knights, it will hold up for another 7 weeks.

March 11th: Rosamunde

  • Storm and wind at Rosamunde bring good news.
  • If Rosamunde brings storm and wind, Sybilla (March 19) is mild to us.

March 12th: St. Gregory

  • If there is strong wind around Gregori, 40 days are still windy.
  • Gregor shows the farmer that he can sow in the field.
  • If Gregorius presents himself, the farmer has to go into the field.
  • Gregor shows the farmer whether he can sow the seed now, because as Gregori poses, he has to go with the seed on the field.
  • Around the day of St. Gregory, the swallows also appear.
  • The swallow arrives at Gregory over the sea port - and at Bartholomew (August 24th) it is gone again.
  • After the day of Gregorei, the wild duck also lays her egg.

March 15: St. Lucretia (Leocritia)

  • Lucretia moist, sacks of grain light.

March 17th: St. Gertrud

  • Sunny Gertrude day, may bring joy to the farmer.
  • If Gertrud is sunny, the gardener will be happy.
  • Gertrud with the pious mind, she is the first gardener.
  • Gertraude is of great use to the gardener when she comes with sunshine.
  • Is it freezing Gertrud the winter is still forty days not rest.
  • If Sankt Gertrud sees ice cream, it doesn't get hot all year round.

March 19: St. Josef, St. Sibylle

  • Josephi sure, a good year
  • When Matthias (February 24th) has finally lost his hack, Joseph will pierce the ice.
  • If it is clear to Josephus, it will be a blessed year.
  • If it is clear on Joseph's Day, a fruitful year follows.
  • Once it's Josephi, winter is sure to end.
  • If it is beautiful on Joseph's Day, it can only go on well.
  • If Rosamunde (March 11th) brings storm and wind, Sibylla is gentle to us.
Pussy willow

March 20: beginning of spring (March 20 or 21)

  • Like the weather at the beginning of spring, it is all summer long.
  • Like the weather around the beginning of spring, it usually lasts through the summer.
  • As the sun turns towards spring, our summer ends too.

March 21: St. Benedict / St. Lupicinius

  • As the weather shows up for a week according to Benedict, it shows up all summer long.
  • Benedict guides your hand if you sow the fruit in the land with him.
  • If the grain is to be lush, it should be sown at St. Benedict.
  • If you want barley, peas, and onions thick, sow them according to St. Benedict.
  • St. Benedict, he makes the carrots fat.
  • According to Benedict, pay attention that you should sow the oats.
  • According to Benedict, make sure that you sow everything now.
  • After the Benedict's day, one likes to put peas and onions.
  • To Romanus (February 29) and Lupicinius, the sun must shine.

March 23rd: St. Otto

  • The cold wind blows on Otto day, the game likes acorns for another four weeks.

March 24th: Archangel Gabriel

(The Catholic liturgical reform of 1969 moved the day of remembrance to September 29.)

  • When the sun shines on Saint Gabriel, the farmer has a lot of joy and joy.

March 25th: Annunciation

  • The swallows come again at the Annunciation.
  • On the Annunciation, bright and clear is a blessing for the whole year.
  • Maria ties up the vines and also accepts light frost.
  • If it has frozen after the night of Mary, 40 more frosts will be born.
  • If Mary is beautiful and bright, there will be a lot of fruit in any case.
  • There will be fog after this day - no more frost will harm the vines.
  • Beautiful morning of the announcement frees you from many worries.
  • Crowds of stars on the morning of the Annunciation frees the farmer from many worries.
  • If the night sky was bright and clear before the Annunciation, it means a good weather year.
  • When Mary announces herself, the stork and swallow find their way home.
  • If Mary is beautiful and clear, the whole swallow flock approaches.

March 26th: St. Ludger

  • If it is damp outside around Ludger, the grain soils also remain light.

March 27: St. Rupert

  • When the sky is clear again for Rupert, it will be so in July too.

March 29th: St. Berthold

  • Like St. Berthold, so spring will come.
  • Like March 29th, like spring.

March 30

  • Like March 30th, like summer.

March 31

  • Like March 31st, like autumn.


  • April does what it wants.
  • April can race. Only May holds its own.
  • When April blows its horn, hay and grain are good.
  • When April makes a spectacle, there is grain and hay in full glory.
  • The sooner the blackthorn blooms in April, the earlier the farmer goes to harvest.
  • Bright moonlight in April does not harm the flowers.
  • April snow is the grass breeder.
  • April snow brings grass and clover.
  • April weather and card luck change every moment.
  • April and Weiberwill change quickly and a lot.
  • If the ash blossoms in front of the oak , there is a big bleaching (= dry summer) ,
    if the oak blossoms in front of the ash, there is a big wash (= rainy summer) .

April 1st: April 1st

  • Joke avoids disaster.
  • You have to survive April 1st well, then nothing bad can happen to you.
  • Sowing on April 1st spoils the farmer with stump and stalk.

April 2nd: St. Rosamunde

  • If the Rosamunde brings a lot of storms and winds, it is mild to us much later.
Or: If Rosamunde brings storm and wind, Sybille (April 29) is gentle on us.
  • Storm and wind on Rosamunde bring the farmer good news.

April 3: St. Chrestus and St. Pappus

  • Whoever sows flax on Christian brings beautiful flax into his shrine.

April 4th: St. Ambrose

  • If it was nice and pure on Ambrosius, it will be all the wilder on Florian (May 4th).
  • St. Ambrose often snows on the farmer's foot.
  • If you sow peas on Ambrosius, they will give you plenty and puree.
  • If Ambrosius is beautiful and pure, Saint Florian (May 5th) will be a savage.

April 5th: St. Vincent

  • When Saint Vincent is sunshine, it brings in many grains.
  • When St. Vincent enters the hall, he brings us the nightingale.
  • When Saint Vincent is in the sun, there is plenty and good wine.

April 8: St. Amantius / Amandus

  • If it rains a lot on Amantius Day, a dry summer may follow.
  • If it's nice around Amandus, the summer won't see a drought.

April 9: St. Waltraud

  • If Waltraud doesn't hear the cuckoo screeching, then he must have frozen to death.
  • If Genoveva (January 3rd) brings us storm and wind, Waltraud is often mild to us.

April 10: St. Ezekiel / Ezekiel

  • On Ezekiel, the 100th day after New Year, sow linseed and it will flourish wonderfully.
  • Ezekiel, do it quickly, do it up, put your linen in the money.

April 13: St. Martin

  • The whole of April will be the way Martin wants it.

April 14th: St. Tiburtius

  • Tiburtius comes with singing and sounding, he brings the cuckoo and the nightingale.
  • When the Tiburtius rings, the garden and the field are green.
  • On Tiberius Day, nature can finally go green.
  • Green fields on Tiburtius Day, they attract a lot of grain.
  • Tiburtius comes in very handy for us, with his green leaf blessing.
  • After the Tiburtius Day everything, everything may be green.

April 15th: Cuckoo Day

  • April 15th will be called Cuckoo Day.
  • On April 15th the cuckoo should call, and he would have to call from a tree that is hollow.
  • Tiburtius is the farmer's friend, but only when the cuckoo is screaming.

April 22

  • Thunderstorm before St. George's Day (April 23), and the cold will certainly follow.
  • If there is no rain before Georgi , you will be tortured with it afterwards.

April 23rd: St. George

  • According to old customs, St. George usually comes ridden on a white horse.
(Schimmel = the last snowflakes of spring)
  • If George comes on a white horse, a good spring comes from heaven.
  • If Georgi is warm and beautiful, you will still see rough weather.
  • If it's light and warm on Georgi, there is still a weather that God has mercy.
  • Georg and Markus (April 25th) without any consolation, very often frighten us with frost.
  • If there was a thunderstorm on Georgi Day, the cold will certainly follow.
  • On the goodness of St. George, all trees are in bloom.
  • What the vines grow up to Georgi will not stay with them until Gallus (October 16).
  • Add "blind" vines to Georgi, full grapes later.
  • If the vines on Georg are still "bloody" and blind, the winemaker is happy with his wife and child.
  • On St. George's Day the swallow shows up for a moment and then withdraws again.
  • If George can hide the crow in the grain, the flour will pile up into bulging sacks.
  • On St. George's Day, the new grain should stretch so that the crow can hide in it.
  • It indicates a good harvest when the crow can hide in the grain at Georg.
  • St. George's horse, that kicks the oats into the earth.
  • St. George's Day is the horse's day of honor.
  • Georgi brings green shoes.
(In the past, children had to do without their winter shoes from this day on.)
  • Blind vines for Georgi, full grapes will come later.

April 24th: St. Fidelis

  • When it freezes on Sankt Fidel, it stays cold and light for 15 days.

April 25: St. Mark

  • Georg (April 23) and Markus without any consolation, very often frighten us with frost.
  • Georgus (April 23) and Marks,
they often bring something bad;
Philippi and Jakobi (May 1st),
are then two more coarse;
Pankraz, Servaz, Bonifazi (May 12th, 13th, 14th),
that's only three Lumpazi.
Often the Urban even (May 25th),
is strict indeed,
and Peter and Paul (June 29),
they are mostly just lazy.
  • Just as the weather sticks to Markus now, the harvest is often ordered in autumn.
  • Before St. Mark's Day, the farmer may beware.
  • If Markus has sunshine, the winemaker has good wine.
  • If it is now warm for Markus, then you freeze right down to the intestines.
  • He who first lays the beans with Mark will be well rewarded; but barley, it was sown long ago, because according to Mark it is too late.
  • To Markus, there hides the socks, our crow in the rye.
  • If the swallows are already building around Markus, there is a lot of food, grain and calving.
  • First put beans after Saint Mark, he'll be worth it.

April 27: St. Petrus Canisius (Canisius), Zita

  • If the weather is nice Saint Peter, you can sow cabbage and peas.
  • The stork looks for its nest on St. Peter's feast.

April 28: St. Vital / Vitalis

  • If it is still cold on St. Vital, we will freeze fifteen times more.
  • If it freezes at Sankt Vidal, it will probably freeze another fifteen times.

April 30th: Walpurgis Night

  • Rain on Walpurgis Night has always brought a good year.
  • Rain on Walpurgis Night brings us rich harvest blessings.
  • Walpurgis frost is bad food.
  • Walpurgis Night Rain or dew - on a good year of construction.
  • Storm and wind on Walpurgis Night filled the barn and cellar.
  • The witches ride to Blocksberg on their brooms with bad minds.
(Allegedly the witches meet on the Blocksberg = Brocken in the Harz Mountains on this day.)
  • If the witches' night is full of rain, it will be a year with plenty of blessings.


  • Thunder and frosts in the happy moon , labor and work little worthwhile.
  • The year is fruitful when there is a lot of thunder in May.
  • If May is really hot and dry, the farmer gets small chunks.
  • If May is cool and wet, the farmer's barn and barrel are filled.
  • When the elves strike in May, they ring of rainy days.
  • Rain in May brings bread and hay for the whole year.
  • Thunderstorms in May bring fruit.
  • A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay.
  • May rain brings blessings.
  • A wet May brings milk.
  • A cool May is highly respected ', has always brought a good year.
  • If the oak turns green before the ash, there is a lot of laundry in summer. If the ash drifts before the oak, summer brings great bleaching.

May 1st: Philip and James, Walburga

  • Ripe or wet on May 1st, farmers always have fun.
  • So many frosts fall before Wenceslas (September 28th), so many follow after Philippi.
  • When the sun is good on May 1st, there is plenty of grain and good hay.
  • If it rains on May 1st, it will continue to rain the same way.
  • It rains on the first day of May, many fruits one might expect.
  • If the weather is good on May 1st, there is plenty of good hay.
  • When the 1st of May rings, the whole field turns green.
  • If frost falls on May 1st, one hopes for a good year.
  • If frost falls on May 1st, it brings a lot of blessings in the field.
  • If the 1st of May comes with a sound, it brings cuckoo and nightingale.
  • When Philip and James are wet, the farmer has great fun.
  • Philippi and Jakobi - I eat a lot, I have little.
(The farmers waited for the next harvest; they had to make do with their supplies.)

May 3: Finding the Cross, St. James, St. Philip

  • How's the weather on the day of the discovery of the cross, until Ascension Day it stays.
  • If it rains heavily on cross day, all the nuts will be empty and will not be blessed.
  • To Philipp and Jakobi rain means a lot of harvest blessings.
  • On St. Philips Day, wear the lenses to the field.

May 4th: St. Florian

  • If it was nice and pure on Ambrosius (April 4th), it will be all the wilder on Florian.
  • Florian, Florian, can still put (wear) a snowman / hat.

May 7th: St. Stanislaus

  • When Saint Stanislaus approaches, all the trees will cut down.
  • When Saint Stanislaus approaches, roll out the potato.
  • If tears cries of the Stanislaus, that not sorry, there are bare Heller of it, in a very short time.

May 10: St. Gordian

  • The Gordian, the Gordian, often does damage.
  • Florian (May 4th) and Gordian often cause damage.
  • Little Gordian cannot be trusted.
  • Put on beans first, St. Gordian is over.
  • The Gordian, the Gordian, better never to be trusted.

May 11th: St. Mamertus (Ice Saint)

(Ice Saints = Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifatius and Sophie!)

  • Georgus and Marks (April 23rd and 25th),
they often bring something bad;
Philippi and Jakobi (May 1st),
are then two more coarse;
Pankraz, Servaz, Bonifazi (May 12th, 13th, 14th),
that's only three Lumpazi.
Often the Urban even (May 25th),
is strict indeed,
and Peter and Paul (June 29),
they are mostly just lazy.
  • Saint Mamerz,
he has a heart of ice;
Pankratius keeps the neck stiff,
his armor rattles with frost and frost;
Servatius' dog is the east wind -
has already kissed many a flower to death;
and finally, there is never a lack
the icy cold Sophie.
  • Pankrazi, Bonifazi, Servazi are three frosty Lumpazi. And finally, cold Sophie is never missing.
  • Mamertus, Pankratius and afterwards Servatius are strict gentlemen who like to annoy the farmers and also the winegrowers.
  • Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, they often bring coldness and annoyance, but also the Bonifazi, that's first a Lumpazi.
  • Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifatius, the winemaker has to pay attention to them: If they pass without rain, it will bring great blessings to the wine.
  • If the ice saints pass without frost, the farmers and winemakers shout juchhei.
Snow-covered cherry blossoms

May 12: St. Pankratius (Ice Saint)

  • Georgus and Marks (April 23rd and 25th),
they often bring something bad;
Philippi and Jakobi (May 1st),
are then two more coarse;
Pankraz, Servaz, Bonifazi (May 12th, 13th, 14th),
that's only three Lumpazi.
Often the Urban even (May 25th),
is strict indeed,
and Peter and Paul (June 29),
they are mostly just lazy.
  • If it freezes on Pancratius, a lot will be ruined in the garden.
  • Pankratius keeps his neck stiff, his armor clinking with frost and frost.
  • If Saint Pankratius is beautiful, one will see good wine.
  • If it is beautiful on Pankratius Day, it is a good sign for a beautiful and rich autumn.
  • Pankraz and Servaz, two bad brothers, what spring made, they destroy again.
  • Pankraz has to be over if you want to be safe from night frost.

May 13: St. Servatius (Ice Saint)

  • Georgus and Marks (April 23rd and 25th),
they often bring something bad;
Philippi and Jakobi (May 1st),
are then two more coarse;
Pankraz, Servaz, Bonifazi (May 12th, 13th, 14th),
that's only three Lumpazi.
Often the Urban even (May 25th),
is strict indeed,
and Peter and Paul (June 29),
they are mostly just lazy.
  • Servaz has to be over if you want to be safe from night frost.
  • After Servaz there is no more frost that would be dangerous to the vine.
  • Servatius' dog (mouth) is the east wind - has kissed many a flower dead.

May 14: St. Boniface (Ice Saint)

  • Georgus and Marks (April 23rd and 25th),
they often bring something bad;
Philippi and Jakobi (May 1st),
are then two more coarse;
Pankraz, Servaz, Bonifazi (May 12th, 13th, 14th),
that's only three Lumpazi.
Often the Urban even (May 25th),
is strict indeed,
and Peter and Paul (June 29),
they are mostly just lazy.
  • No summer before Boniface, no frost after Sophie (May 15)
  • Whoever shears his sheep before Boniface prefers wool to sheep.

May 15th: "Cold Sophie" (Ice Saints)

  • Cold Sophie, she likes to bring a downpour at the end.
  • You're sure not to be in the night frost before Sophie is over.
  • If the ice saints pass without frost, the farmers and winemakers shout Juchei.

May 16: St. Nepomuk

  • The Nepomuk gives us the water that a good spring will smile for us.
  • Holy Saint Nepomuk drive us back the water showers.
  • If the sun laughs at Nepomuk, the wine will turn into bliss.
  • Holy Nepomuk bring the water back to us.
(= Reversal of the previous saying if there was too much sunshine on that day and the heat was burning in the fields.)

May 24th: St. Esther

  • Flax, sown on esters, grows best of all.

May 25: St. Urban

  • Georgus and Marks (April 23rd and 25th),
they often bring something bad;
Philippi and Jakobi (May 1st),
are then two more coarse;
Pankraz, Servaz, Bonifazi (May 12th, 13th, 14th),
that's only three Lumpazi.
Often the urban
is strict indeed,
and Peter and Paul (June 29),
they are mostly just lazy.
  • Clement (November 23) brings us winter,
St. Petri Stuhl (February 22nd) beckons for spring;
St. Urban brings us summer,
autumn begins after Barthel (August 24th).
  • The way the weather behaves on Urban is still another 20 days.
  • The weather around St. Urban also shows the weather in autumn.
  • If the sun shines brightly on Urban Day, good wine grows according to the old saga; but when it rains nothing is blessed.
  • St. Orben has to bring a lot of sun, otherwise the grapes are easily spoiled.
  • When the urban doesn't keep the weather good, the wine barrel falls into the puddle.
  • Urban, let the sun shine so we don't cry while we wine.
  • Just as the urban has its weather, so it also takes place in the harvest.
  • The Urban with lots of sunshine, he blesses our barrels.
  • Sankt Blas' (February 3rd) and Urban without rain, a good harvest blessing follows.
  • Sankt Urban bright and pure, gives a lot of grain and good wine.

Corpus Christi / Corpus Christi

  • Corpus Christ nice and clear, good wine this year.

May 31: St. Petronella / Queen Mary

  • If there is rain on Petronella, the grain / oats will also settle.
  • Whoever sows oats on Petronell first, likes them to grow well and quickly.
  • If it is clear to Petronell, measure the flax with your ell '.
  • After nice weather at Petronell, you measure the flax with your ell '.


  • Human senses and June winds often change very quickly.
  • Without dew there is no rain in June.
  • In June cool and dry, there's something to chunk in the milk.
  • Anything that does not grow in June belongs in the oven.
  • When the north wind blows in June, the grain for harvest is excellent.
  • If there's thunderstorm in June, the grain is sure to get fatter.
  • A thunderstorm in June makes the farmer happy.
  • If June was cold and wet, it spoils the whole year.
  • If June is warm and wet, there is a lot of grain and even more grass.
  • A lot of thunder in June brings a gloomy summer.

June 1st: St. Fortunatus, St. Justina

  • If it was clear to Fortunatus, there will be a good harvest year .
  • Nice weather on Fortunat, which means a good year.
  • Justin sure, good year.

June 8th: St. Medardus

  • At Saint Medardus it is determined whether the sun shines 40 days.
  • How the Medardus now rages, such weather trembles for 30 days.
  • As the weather falls on St. Medardi, it will last until the end of the moon.
  • Whatever weather Medardus thinks, such weather also falls within the harvest.
  • A sunny Medardustag, which satisfies all peasants' complaints.
  • If it's damp and wet on Medardus, it continues to rain without ceasing.
  • Rain on Medardustag spoils the whole hay yield.
  • Those who rely on Medardus will get a lot of flax and cabbage.

June 10th: St. Margaret

  • If it rains on Margaret (h) entage, the rain lasts another forty (also: fourteen) days.
  • If Margaret has no sunshine, the hay is not brought in dry.

June 11: St. Barnabas

  • After Barnabas the sun gives way, on Luzia (December 13th) it sneaks back to us.
  • St. Barnabas never forgot the sickle, he has the longest day (not true!) And the longest grass.
  • Saint Barnabas cuts the grass.
  • Barnabas comes with his Sens' and cuts the grass.
  • When St. Barnabas brings rain, there will be rich blessings of grapes.
  • When it rains on Barnabas, the grapes swim into the barrel.
  • Barnabas, when it is cheap, makes amends for what may already have been spoiled.

June 13th: St. Anthony

  • When Sankt Anton laughs good weather, St. Peter (June 29) does a lot in water.
  • If it rains on Antoniustag, the weather will be later as it likes.
  • If Antonius has heavy rain, the barley will probably go wrong.

June 15: St. Veit / Vitus

  • If the sky is clear at Sankt Veit, then there is sure to be a good year.
  • St. Veit has the longest day, and Luzia (December 13th) has the longest night.
Note: This rule was in effect until the Gregorian calendar reform in 1582. This moved the summer solstice to June 21st and the winter solstice to December 21st.
  • After St. Veit, the season will soon change.
  • Old Vit, he only brings rain.
  • The water at St. Vit cannot tolerate late barley.
  • The barley cannot tolerate rain on St. Vitus Day.
  • It's raining on St. Veit, not sorry for barley.
  • O holy Vitus, don't rain
so that we don't lose our grain,
because rain on Vitus day
does not like the barley.
  • If the wine has faded on St. Vit, it will bring with it a beautiful wine year.
  • After St. Veit, time changes;
then the leaves begin to stand
then the birds did the laying.
  • The wind turns around St. Veit, leaves lie on the other side.
  • After St. Veit, the leaves lie on the other side.
  • If Saint Vitus has heavy rain, he brings immeasurable blessings.
  • When it rains on Vitus, it rains mushrooms.

June 16: St. Benno

  • If you build on Sankt Benno, you get a lot of flax and cabbage.

June 19: St. Gervasius

  • When it rains on St. Gervasius, it has to rain for 40 days.

June 21: beginning of summer, summer solstice

(= the longest day of the year: 16 hours 36 minutes)

  • If the Milky Way can be seen clearly, the weather stays fine.
  • If 'the stars' sparkle today, the wind will soon play the master.

June 24th: St. John's Day / birth of John the Baptist

  • Until Midsummer is planted, a date to remember.
  • Never prick the asparagus after Midsummer.
  • Carry the first church home on Midsummer Day.
  • Before Johanni asks for rain, afterwards it comes inconveniently.
  • The year that ends well, when the emd is dry in the barn.
  • If it rains on Midsummer Day, it will rain another fourteen days.
  • Ripe on Midsummer Night makes complaints to the farmers.
  • St. John's downpours spoil the best nuts.
  • If it rains on Midsummer Day, it rains mushrooms.
  • Don't forget until Midsummer: eat asparagus for seven weeks.

June 27th: Dormouse Day

  • How the weather will behave on the dormouse is ordered for seven weeks.
  • When it rains on the dormouse, we are blessed with rain for seven weeks.
  • If the dormouse is wet, it rains incessantly.

June 29th: Peter and Paul

  • If it rains on Peter and Paul, the winemaker's harvest will be rotten.
  • Peter and Paul bright and clear brings a good year.


  • Cloudy outlook on dog days , cloudy outlook for the rest of the year.
  • If no dew falls in Julius, rain is to be expected.
  • In July you have to fry from the heat, which is advisable in September.
  • July nice and clear, makes a good farming year
  • If July brings hot embers, September is good.
  • A good July thunderstorm is good for winemakers and reapers.
  • In July, the farmer wants to sweat when sitting idle behind the stove.

July 1st: beginning of the month

  • If July starts with drips, you will have long rain.

July 2nd: Visitation of the Virgin Mary

Note: The feast day was moved to May 31 after the Second Vatican Council in the mid-1960s.

  • Mariä Heimsuch is ordered how the weather lasts 40 days.
  • If Maria goes wet over the mountains, the barn and barrel remain empty.

July 4th: Ortisei

  • Rain on St. Ulrich's day makes the pears sting.

July 8: St. Kilian

  • Kilian, the holy man, hires the first reapers.
  • If it is fine in St. Kilian, many good days will pass.
  • On St. Kilian sow sweet peas and turnips.

July 10th: Seven Brothers

  • If Siebenbrüder is a rainy day, it will rain seven weeks after that.
  • As the seven brothers do, it will remain for another seven weeks.
  • When the seven brothers sunbathe, there will be seven weeks of bliss.
  • To Siebenbrüder Regen, he brings no blessing to the farmer.

July 15: apostles division

  • If the apostles division is beautiful, the weather of the seven brothers (July 10th) can go.

July 17th: St. Alexius

  • If Alexius rains this year, grain and fruit will be expensive.
  • When it rains on Alexius, the harvest and fruit are blessed.

July 19: St. Vincent

  • Vincent Sunshine fills the barrels with wine.

July 20: St. Margarete, St. Apollinaris

  • Like the weather on St. Margaret, the same will be four more weeks.
  • Margaretenregen will only subside after a month.
  • Margaret's rain brings no blessing.
  • Rain on Margaret's Day says “Hello” to hunger.
  • Against Margareten and Jakoben, the strongest thunderstorms rage.
  • To Margareten Regen, hay and nuts bring no blessings.
  • Apollinaris must be clear, then you bring home a good harvest.

July 22nd: St. Maria Magdalena (Marlene)

  • It likes to rain on Magdalena because she wept for the Lord.
(Similar: Magdalene weeps for her master, that's why it likes to rain on this day.)
  • If it rains on St. Magdalen's Day, more rain will certainly follow.

July 23: St. Apollinaris

  • Apollinaris must be clear, the farmer should be happy.
  • Apollinaris must be clear, then you bring home a good harvest.

July 25: St. James

  • If James blows white clouds into the air, it's winter blossoms and lots of snow.
  • If the days are warm on Jakobi, there is a lot of cold and harm in winter.
  • Jakobi without rain indicates a severe winter.
  • The farmer can rejoice when Jakobi is hot and dry.
  • Saint Jacob takes away the need, brings the first fruit and fresh bread.
  • Jakobi clear and pure, the Christmas festival will be frosty.
  • Against Margareten and Jakoben, the strongest thunderstorms rage.
  • When Jacobi is in session, the young storks are chased from the nest.
  • When Jakobi comes up, you can cut the rye.
  • If Jacobus is there, the storks will soon move away.

July 26th: St. Anna

  • Saint Anna clear and pure, the grain will soon be saved.
  • Once Saint Anna is over, the morning comes cool.
  • Anna warm and dry makes the farmer rejoice.

July 29th: St. Olav, St. Beate, St. Lucilla and St. Ladislaus, St. Flora

  • Olaf, Beate, Lucilla, Ladislaus burn the farmer's barn and house.
  • If Florentine has stayed dry, she sends caterpillars in grain and beets.

July 31st: St. Ignatius

  • As Ignaz turned in, next January will be.


  • August rain acts like poison when it hits the ripening grapes.
  • If it rains in August, it rains honey and good wine.
  • Cloudy outlook on dog days, cloudy outlook for the rest of the year.
  • The thicker the raindrops in August, the thicker the must becomes.
  • In August the snow blooms for the next winter when white clouds are moving.
  • August is as needy of dew as everyone else is needing daily bread.
  • Wet August makes expensive food.
  • If it's hot in the first week of August, winter stays white for a long time.
  • If August brings a lot of thunderstorms, winter will be cold and bitter.
  • What August could not do, September no longer boils.

August 1st: Petri chain celebration

  • If it's hot from Petri to Lorenzi (August 10th), winter stays white for a long time.
  • The storks leave this place for the Petri chain celebration.

August 5th: St. Oswald (Maria Schnee)

  • Oswaldtag must be dry, otherwise grain and wine will be expensive.
  • Rain on Maria Snow really hurts the grain.

August 7th: St. Afra, (Maria Schnee)

  • On Sankt Afra Regen is inconvenient for the farmer.
  • Rain falls on Sankt Afra, and it torments the farmers for a long time.
  • Rain on Mary's Snow hurts the grain very seriously.

August 8: St. Dominic

  • If it's very hot at Domini, the winter becomes long and white.
  • Is it hot on Saint Dominic, the winter must come with severe cold.
  • A severe winter must follow the heat of Saint Dominic.
  • The more Dominic stirs up, the longer you freeze in winter.
  • In the heat of Saint Dominic, a severe winter must come.

August 10: St. Laurentius

  • Sankt Laurenz with a hot breath, fills the farmer's barrel and hose.
  • Saint Lorenz is sure to come with shooting stars in a dark night.
  • If fruit and grapes should multiply, the weather can stop with Laurenz.
  • Laurentius cheerful and good, promises a beautiful autumn.
  • Laurence in the sunshine, autumn will be blessed.
  • If it's hot from Petri (August 1st) to Lorenzi, the winter stays white for a long time.
  • If Laurentius comes along, the wood will no longer grow.
  • Laurenzi fetch the shirt, fetch shoes and socks.

August 13: St. Hippolyt / St. Kassian (Cassianus)

  • Like the weather on Hippolytus, it happens for several days.
  • Like the weather in Kassian, it lasts for many days.

August 14th

  • If the stars shine before the Assumption of Mary, then the weather is happy to hold up.

August 15th: Assumption of Mary

  • Like the weather on Ascension Day, like the whole of autumn.
  • If the sun shines bright and tender on the Assumption, it will mean beautiful autumn. Says the saying to all people.
  • For the Assumption of Mary, you know, there are already the first nuts.
  • If you want turnips really good and tender, sow them on Assumption Day.
  • Assumption in the sunshine brings plenty and good wine.
  • Like the weather on Ascension Day, it may stay for another two weeks.

August 16: St. Rochus

  • When Saint Roch looks cloudy, the caterpillars come into the herb.

August 18: St. Agapitus

August 19: St. Sebaldus

  • If it rains on Saint Sebaldus, an expensive time is approaching very soon.

August 20: St. Bernhard

  • Like Saint Bernard, September is also measured.

August 24: St. Bartholomew (Bartheltag)

  • Whatever the weather on Bartheltag, it should be all of September.
  • As Bartholomew holds out, so is the whole of autumn.
  • If there is frost around the Barthel Day, a warm autumn can be hoped for.
  • If St. Barthol is left standing in the rain, a good autumn can be foreseen.
  • If Lorenz (August 10th) and Bartel are beautiful, the herbs will stay there for a long time.
  • Bartholomä full of sunshine makes wine and vines strong and good.

August 25: St. Ludwig

  • When the violets bloom in March, the swallows often come to Ludwig.

August 28: St. Augustin

  • The warm days pass on Augustine.
  • The weather drifts around Augustine.
  • The warm days go around the time of Augustine.

August 30th: St. Felix

  • Bishop Felix shows what kind of weather we have 40 days.

August 31: St. Raimund

  • Sankt Raimund drives out the weather.


  • Like Basil (January 2nd), like September.
  • September warm and clear, promises a good next year.
  • The farmer is very interested in the September rain.
  • If it thunders in September, the snow will be high around Christmas.
  • In September the pears firmly on the stem, the winter cold brings a lot.
  • When a lot of spiders crawl in September, they smell a harsh winter.
  • Lots of fog in September over valley and heights, brings deep snow in winter.
  • Lots of acorns in September, lots of snow in December.
  • If beechnuts come out, walnut and oak trees are full, a hard winter follows and the snow falls in abundance.

September 1st: St. Giles

  • Like the weather at Aegidius, it must stay for four weeks.
  • Is Aegidi a bright day, I announce beautiful autumn to you.
  • Aegidius Regen is inconvenient.
  • Take care of Aegidius, he'll tell you what the month is doing.
  • Anyone who sows grain around Aegidi will mow a lot of fruit next year.

September 4th: St. Rosalia

  • At Sankt Veit (June 15) they go to the pasture, Sankt Rosal drives cattle into the valley.

September 6: St. Magnus

  • Like the weather on Magnustag so it may stay for four weeks.

September 7th: St. Regine

  • If Regine is warm and sunny, the weather remains pleasant for a long time.
  • Regina warm and blissful, the weather stays sunny for a long time.

September 8: Birth of the Virgin

  • As the weather behaves at the birth of Mary, it is another four weeks.
  • If the birth of Mary is sown, it is neither too early nor too late.
  • At the time of the birth of the Virgin the swallows fly. If you stay there, winter is not near.

September 9: St. Gorgon

  • If Gorgon is beautiful, it will stay beautiful for another six weeks.
  • If St. Gorgon brings rain, autumn follows with evil ways.
  • If it rains on Saint Gorgon's day, you will lose harvest except for your sack.

September 11th: St. Protus

  • When it doesn't wet Protus, a dry autumn is worth seeing.

September 12th: Name of the Virgin

  • In the name of Mary, the summer says amen.
  • The swallows come together at the name of Mary.

September 14: Exaltation of the Cross

  • If it is light on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, a severe winter follows.

September 15th: St. Ludmilla

  • St. Ludmilla, the pious child, likes to bring rain and wind.
  • Ludmilla doesn't want to be good, she brings in a lot of wind and rain.

September 16: St. Cyrianus

  • At Saint Cyprian one often puts on gloves.

September 17th: St. Lambert of Liège

  • Lambert is bright and clear, followed by a dry year.

September 18th: St. Lampert von Freising

  • Spring will be dry, St. Lampert is clear and pure.

September 21: St. Matthew

  • If Matthew has nice weather in the house, it will hold out for another four weeks.
  • If Matthew enters stormily, it will be winter by Easter.
  • When Matthew cries instead of laughing, he makes vinegar out of the wine.
  • If Matthew looks friendly, you can count on good weather.

September 22nd: St. Mauritius

  • Clear weather on Mauritius, a lot of wind has to come next year.
  • If Saint Martin is bright and clear, the winter storms, that's true.
  • Mauritius clearly shows how many storms it has to bring.

September 24th: St. Virgilius

  • It freezes on Virgilius, in March the cold must come.

September 25th: St. Cleophas

  • If it is foggy on St. Cleophas, it will be wet all winter.

September 26th: St. Damian and St. Kosmas

  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian begin to color the foliage.

September 27: St. Hiltrud / Helmtrud

  • When Hiltrud is on the calendar, the grass is cut again.
  • If the acorns fall off before Michael (September 29th), summer rises to the grave early.

September 28: St. Wenceslas (Wenceslaus, Vaclav)

  • If Wenceslaus arrives with rain, we'll have nuts by Christmas.

September 29th: The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

  • Michel lights the light.
  • If it rains on Michaelmas day, a mild winter follows. But if the wind blows cold for Michael, a hard winter can be expected.
  • May follow wet Michael Day, wet autumn.
  • If Michaelmas is sunshine, it will be winter in two weeks.
  • If migratory birds are still here on Michaelmas, the weather will be mild until Christmas.
  • If the acorns fall off before Michaelmas, summer rises to the grave early.
  • Indeed, around Michaelmas the best winter seeds thrive.

September 30th: St. Jerome

  • From Michel and Hieronymus put an end to the Christmas weather.


  • October snow hurts people and animals.
  • If October is warm and fine, there will be a sharp winter. But if it is wet and cool, the winter wants to be mild.
  • October rough, January dull.
  • In October there is a lot of fog, in winter the flakes bring play.
  • If October brings a lot of rain, it's a blessing for the fields.
  • Warm October definitely brings a cold February.
  • When it freezes and snows in October, January brings a mild time.
  • If it snows in October, the winter will be soft.
  • If October doesn't help with the sun, the winemaker won't be happy.
  • Lots of fog in October, lots of snow in winter.
  • In October, storm and wind heralds early winter.

October 1st: St. Remigius

  • Rain on Saint Remigius brings annoyance for the whole month.

October 2nd: St. Leodegar

  • Leaf fall on Sankt Leodegar heralds a fruitful year.
  • If the leaves fall on Leodegar, the next is a fertile year.

October 4th: St. Francis

  • The sun on Sankt Franz gives the wine its shine.

October 6: St. Bruno

  • Saint Bruno, the Carthusian, lets the flies into the houses.

October 8: St. Pelagia of Antioch, martyr

  • St. Pelei brings about thunder and hail.

October 9: St. Dionysius (Denis)

  • If it rains on Saint Dionys, the winter will certainly be wet.

October 13: St. Koloman

  • Holy Koloman send me a good man.

October 14: St. Burkhard (Burkard) (elevation of the bones)

  • Sankt Burkhard Sonnenschein pours sugar into the wine.

October 15: St. Theresa

  • At Theres 'begins the vintage'.

October 16: St. Hedwig and St. Gallus

  • Sankt Hedwig and Sankt Gall 'make the snowy weather all'.
  • If Saint Gallus pours like a barrel, the next summer will be wet; if it is dry, a chunk of the summer follows.
  • Sankt Gallen drops the snow, drives the cow into the stable and the apples into the sack.
  • At Sankt Hedwig and Sankt Gall the birds sing and sound are silent.
  • At Hedwig the weather course breaks and the nice weather stops.
  • To Galles get it all home (from Nassau)

October 17th

  • After St. Gallus Day (October 16) nothing can be left in the garden.
  • After Sankt Gall (October 16) the cow stays in the barn.

October 18: St. Luke

  • Anyone who sprinkles rye on Lukas will not regret it the following year.
  • If Saint Luke is mild and warm, a winter follows that God has mercy.
  • Saint Luke the Evangelist brings late rye without dung.

October 20: St. Wendelin

  • Sankt Wendelin, never leave us, protect our stable, protect our cattle.

October 21: St. Ursula

  • The herb has to come in to Ursula, otherwise it will be outside for a long time.
  • Ursula laughs with sunshine, there will be little snow before Christmas.
  • The herb has to come in on Ursula, otherwise Simon and Judas (October 28th) will snow on it.
  • Saint Ursula wants to tell us that the field will soon be able to bear snow.

October 23: St. Severin

  • If Sankt Severin likes it, he brings the first cold with him.

October 25: St. Crispinus and Crispinianus, Krispin

  • With Krispin all flies are gone.

October 26: St. Albin

  • Warm Sankt Albin always brings a cold January.

October 27

  • Anyone who sows wheat before Simon Day (October 28) will have golden ears of wheat without question.
  • Before you watch Simon (and) Judas (October 28th) plant trees, cut herbs.

October 28th: ​​Apostle Simon and Apostle Judas

  • If it is bright and clear on Judas, it will not rain until Cäcilia (November 22nd).
  • Simon and Judah, yes the two, often bring the snow.
  • Before you see Simon and Judas, plant trees and cut herbs.
  • Simon and Juda hang on the bushes of snow.

October 29th

  • When Simon and Judas pass (October 28th), winter approaches quickly.

30th of October

  • At the end of October rain brings a fertile year.

October 31: St. Wolfgang

  • Rain on Saint Wolfgang's Day, which may be good for the next year.
  • Sankt Wolfgang Regen promises a year full of blessings.
  • A lot is important to Wolfgang Regen.


  • Those who do not topple the fields in November will be shortened in the next year.
  • November bright and clear, is bad for the next year.
  • November warm and clear, don't worry about next year.
  • If the leaves hang in until November, the winter will be long.
  • If the tree holds the leaves long, a late winter will make you worry.
  • If November brings dawn, the sowing threatens a lot of damage.
  • Lots of fog in November, lots of snow in winter.
  • When November flashes and cracks, the next year the farmer laughs.
  • If the water freezes in November, January will be all the wetter.
  • If it thunders in November, a blessed year will follow.
  • Tree blossom in November, never been a good sign.
  • If the trees bloom again in November, then winter lasts until May.
  • If the mountain wears a hat the weather will be fine, if it doesn't wear it, it will soon cry.

November 1st: All Saints' Day

  • If All Saints' Day brings a winter, Martini (November 11th) brings a summer.
  • All Saints' Day brings summer to old women, who is summer's last expeller.
  • If it's all clear on All Saints' Day, Indian summer sets in.
  • If All Saints' Day has sunshine, it will be even colder around Martini (November 11th).
  • All Saints' Day makes everything stiff for Christmas.
  • If winter breaks in before All Saints' Day, there is sunshine around Martini (November 11th).

November 2nd: All Souls Day

  • All Souls Day likes three drops of rain.
  • To All Souls' Day, cold and clear, everything turns rigid on Christmas.

November 3rd: St. Hubertus

  • If Hubertus brings snow and ice, it stays white for the whole of November.

November 4th: St. Karl

  • When it storms and snows at Karolus, get your fur ready.

November 6th: St. Leonhard

  • When it rains on Leonhardi, the wheat is in bad shape.
  • How's the weather at Lenardi, it'll be certain until Christmas.
  • After all the work severity, to Leonhardi the horses honorable.

November 11th: St. Martin

"Martin goose"
  • If there is fog on / after Martini, the winter is usually mild.
  • When it rains at Martini, the wheat is in bad shape.
  • If the martini is clear and pure, winter will soon come.
  • Clouds on Martini Day, which winter may be inconsistent.
  • If a martini has a white beard, winter will be long and hard.
  • When the St. Martin's geese walk on the ice, the Christ Child has to stand in the dirt.
  • If the leaves don't fall before Martini, there will be a great winter cold.
  • Saint Martin sunshine, comes a cold winter.
  • Saint Martin sits down on the bench by the warm stove with thanks.
  • According to old customs, Sankt Martin usually comes ridden on a white horse.
  • Even after All Saints' Day the peasant is certain of winter; if he doesn't want to come by then, it only takes until Martini day.
  • Michel warns, Martin pays. (Saint Martin as tax saint)

November 15th: St. Leopold

November 17th: St. Gertrud

  • Cavort Gertrud the dormice , it is far to the winter ice.

November 19: St. Elisabeth

  • Saint Elisabeth shows what kind of man winter is.
  • Elisabeth announces what winter is ahead of us.

November 21: Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary Sacrifice)

  • Mary Sacrifice bright and pure, brings in a harsh winter.
  • Our Lady of Sacrifice clear and bright, a severe winter is fast approaching.
  • Our Lady of Sacrifice clear and bright, makes the winter severe and blameless.

November 22nd: St. Cecilia

  • Saint Cecilia with thanks sits on the bench in the stove.
  • When it snows on Cäcilia, winter is never far.
  • Cecilia in a white dress, reminiscent of the winter time.

November 23: St. Clemens / Klemens

  • Do not trust Saint Clement, for he rarely shows a mild face.
  • Saint Clement brings us winter.

November 25th: St. Catherine

  • If there is no snowfall on Kathrein, it will come to Sankt Andreas (November 30th).
  • If the weather at Kathrein is dull, the leaves come late in spring.
  • Like the weather around Kathrein, it will be all winter.
  • Kathrein stops dancing. (see: Kathreintanz )
  • If you like a goose to eat, start fattening it on Qatar Day.
  • Kathrein throws the stone into the Rhine, cold Sophie takes it out again

November 26th: St. Konrad

  • There is no mill wheel on Konrad because he always has water.
  • Konrad and Kathrein (November 25th), they kneel down in the dirt.

November 27: St. Virgilius (Fergal)

  • It freezes on Virgilius, in March the cold must come.

November 30th: St. Andreas

  • Andreas, bright and clear, promises a good year.
  • If Andreas throws down snow, it hurts the grain and wheat.
  • Andrew's snow hurts grain and wheat.
  • If there is no snowfall on Kathrein (November 25th), it will come to Sankt Andreas.
  • If St. Andrä holds back the snow, he gives rich seed luck.
  • The Andreasnacht will tell you what the weather is doing.


  • December lind, winter a child.
  • In December, snow and frost mean a lot of grain and must.
  • Cold December and fertile year are united forever.
  • Cold December with plenty of snow is followed by a fertile year with plenty of clover.
  • December, cold with snow hurts the vermin.
  • If December is wild with rain, the next year has few blessings.
  • If it thunders in December, there will be a lot of wind next year.
  • It is very cold in December, it lasts for a full 18 weeks.
  • December, changeable and mild, all winter is a child.
  • As cold as December, it gets so hot in June.

December 1st: St. Eligius

  • If a strong winter day falls on Eligius, the cold may last four months.

December 2nd: St. Bibiana

  • Does it rain on Bibiana day, it may rain another forty days.
  • If it rains on Bibiana day, it rains 40 days and a week after.

December 4th: St. Barbara

  • If Barbara goes in clover, the Christ Child comes in the snow.
  • Buds on Saint Barbara, flowers are there for Christmas.

December 5th

  • After Barbara (December 4th) it comes to frost, it comes earlier, is not well done.

December 6th: St. Nicholas

Christmas ornament
  • If it rains on Saint Nicholas, the winter will be severe and gray.
  • Dry Santa Claus, mild winter around the house.

December 7th: St. Ambrose

  • If Ambrosius is beautiful and pure, Saint Florian (May 4th) will be a savage.
  • Ambrosius often snows on the farmer's foot.

December 8th: Conception of Mary

  • Rain at the time of the Conception of Mary brings no blessing to the hay.

December 13: St. Lucia

  • In Santa Lucia, evening is close to morning.
  • Sankt Luzia truncates the day and makes the longest night.
Explanation: Until the Gregorian calendar reform , December 13th was the shortest day of the year, until then the Julian calendar was in effect .

December 16: St. Adelheid

  • Adelheid loves white flakes, so the earth rarely stays dry.
  • Around the time of Adelheid, winter likes to spread.
  • Around Adelheid, there comes the snow, the winter sowing doesn't hurt.

December 17th: St. Lazarus

  • If Saint Lazar is naked and barefoot, there’s a happy new year.
  • Saint Lazarus naked and bar makes a mild February.

December 18: St. Wunibald

  • Around the day of Wunibald, it usually gets really cold.

December 21: St. Thomas

  • If Saint Thomas is dark, there will be a happy new year.
  • Saint Thomas brings the longest night because he brought the shortest day.
  • On St. Thomas's Day, the day only grows one tap step.

23rd of December

  • Lots of water before Christmas, no bread after Midsummer (July 24th)

December 24-25 : Christmas Eve , Christmas

Christmas ornament
  • Like the scent on Adam and Eve (December 24th), it remains until the end of the month.
  • When Christmas floods on all roads, it brings blessings to the fields.
  • If it is green at Christmas time, the snow will fall on Easter eggs.
  • If ice hangs from the willows at Christmas, you can cut palm trees at Easter.
  • Is it cold at Christmas, winter is short, spring is coming soon.
  • If you cut your wood after Christmas, your building will last tenfold.
  • Christmas in the snow, Easter in the clover.
  • There is bacon and bread until Christmas, then there is cold and need.
  • The thicker the ice is around Christmas, the earlier the farmer gets spring.
  • If the Christ Child brings cold and snow, the winter grain pushes upwards.
  • When the Christ Child cries tears, four weeks no sun shines.
  • Christmas in a green dress is holding snow ready for Easter.
  • A lot of wind in the Christmas days, the trees bear plenty of fruit.

December 26th: St. Stefan

  • Bring Saint Stephen wind that winemakers are not pleased.
  • If the sun shines on St. Stephen's Day, the flax becomes bliss.
  • Saint Stephen should be calm if the next wine should flourish.

December 27th: St. John

  • If the Evangelist John has ice cream, then the Baptist (June 24th) makes it hot.

December 28th: ​​Innocent children

  • If it snows to innocent children, January drives into the clapboard.
  • If the innocent children are cold, the frost will not give way anytime soon.
  • If the innocent little children sit in the cold, the frost won't go away anytime soon.
New Year fireworks

December 31: St. New Years Eve

  • New Year's Eve gloomy or clear means a good year.
  • When New Year's Eve storms and snows, New Year's not far away.
  • If it's bright and clear on New Year's Eve, the next day is New Year's.
  • New Year's Eve little wind and morning sun gives a lot of hope for wine and grain.
  • New Year's Eve winds and warm Sundays spoil hope for wine and grain.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heimat Franken: collected contributions to art, history, folklore and monument preservation in Franconia, Ernst Eichhorn, Munich: Kunstbuchverl. Weber 1979.
  2. ^ Jost Gudelius: The Jachenau. Ed .: Municipality of Jachenau. 1st edition. Jachenau October 2008, ISBN 3-939751-97-9 , p. 239.