Waltraud of Mons

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Sainte Waudru

Waltraud von Mons (also Waldetrudis , French Sainte Waudru ), (* early 7th century in what is now France; † April 9, around 688 in Mons ) is a saint of the Catholic Church .


Waltraud (often called Waltraut written) came from the royal family of the Merovingian and came from a family that emerged from the many saints. Her parents were Count Walbert and St. Bertila , her sister St. Adelgundis .

She was married to the Count of Hainaut , Vinzenz Madelgarius , a court official of King Dagobert I , who was later also referred to as a saint, and had four children. The oldest was St. Landricus , who became the abbot of the monasteries founded by his father in Soignies and Hautmont in northern France , who was probably mission bishop in the Brussels area and died around 700. The second was Saint Medelberta , who was the abbess of Maubeuge and died in 705 . The third child was St. Adeltrud , who followed her aunt Adelgundis as abbess of Maubeuge. The fourth child was Saint Dentelin , who died at the age of seven.

After her husband Vinzenz Madelgarius entered the Hautmont monastery near Maubeuge , which he had founded , Waltraud took the veil himself two years later around 656 . She founded in Castrilocus a Benedictine - Abbey around which the present city of Mons was born, and guided them even as abbess . The Gothic collegiate church of Sainte-Waudru in Mons still reminds of Waltraud, where she was buried.


The legend says that Waltraud was before she took the veil, afflicted with great moral anxiety that her her could be construed as unduly entering the monastery. But an angel appeared to her, who gave her comfort and courage . Thereupon she went her way with such faithfulness and steadfastness that the reputation of holiness spread about her everywhere . The gift of miraculously healing sick children in particular as well as supporting the poor, whereby the gifts increased under her hands, was attributed to her.

Remembrance day

Her feast day is April 9th and the transfer of her bones is celebrated in Mons on August 12th . Every year on Trinity , their relics are carried through Mons in a large procession on the occasion of the Ducasse de Mons festival .

Pawn rule

The the name- appropriate Bauer rule is:

  • If the cuckoo did not sing on April 9th, it would freeze to death.
  • If Genoveva (on January 3rd) brings us storm and wind, Waltraud is often gentle on us.


Saint Waltraud is the patron saint of the city of Mons, and a healing well in Casteau bears her name. She is shown wearing a church model or wearing a coat to protect her four children.


  • LThK, Vol. 10, 1995, col. 936;
  • H. Platelle, Que savons-nous au juste de sainte Waudru? In: Mélanges de science religieuse 44 (1987), 147-170;
  • Vera Schauber u. Hanns M. Schindler, saint and namesake in the course of the year, Augsburg 1993, 149.
  • AT THE. Helvétius, Abbayes, évêques et laïques. Une politique du pouvoir en Hainaut au Moyen Age (VIIe-XIe siècle), Brussels, 1994, 45–54
  • Br. De Vriendt, Le dossier hagiographique de Ste Waudru, abbesse de Mons (IXe-XIIe s.), In Mémoires et publications de la Société des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainaut, 98 (1996), 1-37
  • Ms. De Vriendt, La tradition manuscrite de la Vita Waldetrudis ( BHL 8776-8777). Les mécanismes de propagation d'un récit hagiographique régional (IXe-XVe siècles), in Analecta Bollandiana, 117 (1999), 319-368.
  • Gabriele LautenschlägerWaldetrud. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 13, Bautz, Herzberg 1998, ISBN 3-88309-072-7 , Sp. 199-200.

See also

Web links

Commons : Saint Waltrudis  - collection of images, videos and audio files