Maria Keinath

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Maria Keinath (born December 2, 1887 in Esslingen am Neckar , Württemberg, † November 20, 1969 in Stuttgart ) was a German politician and member of the DDP state parliament.

Live and act

Maria Keinath was born as the daughter of a teacher and later a businessman in Esslingen am Neckar, she had eleven siblings, some of whom died early. She was a member of the German Democratic Party in Württemberg and was the youngest female member of the Constituent Assembly of the Free People's State of Württemberg ( 1919-1920 ). In parliament, she worked in the committees that discussed the Diet Act, the Housing Guarantee Act and the primary school system. She was also the secretary of the DDP parliamentary group's executive committee. In the state election in 1920 she was unable to win a mandate. She was a teacher, first working as a main teacher in Esslingen and from 1919 as a secondary school teacher in Stuttgart. In 1946 she joined the newly founded CDU in Württemberg-Baden.


  • Frank Raberg : Biographical handbook of the Württemberg state parliament members 1815-1933 . On behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-016604-2 , p. 428 f .
  • Eva Stengel: Maria Keinath (1887-1969) - The youngest female MP in Württemberg in 1919. In: Women: Fates - Careers - Vocations; 1850-1950. Ed. by the women's representative of the city of Esslingen am Neckar. Editor: Gudrun Silberzahn-Jandt, Esslingen a. N. 2005, p. 34 f.
  • Ina Hochreuther: Women in Parliament. Southwest German parliamentarians from 1919 until today. Ed. of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart 2012, p. 81.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ina Hochreuther: Women in Parliament. Southwest German parliamentarians from 1919 until today. Ed. of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart 2012, p. 81.