Maria Ossowska

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Maria Ossowska

Maria Ossowska b. Niedzwiecka (born January 16, 1896 in Warsaw ; † August 13, 1974 there ) was a Polish sociologist and philosopher from the Lemberg-Warsaw School . She was a PAN member.

She studied philosophy with Tadeusz Kotarbinski , received her doctorate in 1925 at the University of Warsaw, after 1945 she became a philosophy professor at the Universities of Warsaw and Łódz. She was married to the sociologist Stanisław Ossowski , with whom she also worked closely on a scientific basis.

Works (selection)

  • Podstawy nauki o moralności (1947)
  • Motywy postępowania (1949)
  • Moralność mieszczańska (1956)
  • Socjologia moralności (1963)
  • Normy moralne (1970)
  • Ethos rycerski i jego odmiany (1973)
  • Miscellanea. O człowieku, moralności i nauce (1983).


  • Marcin T. Zdrenka: Maria Ossowskal. Moral Philosopher or Sociologist of Morals? In: Journal of Classical Sociology , vol. 6 no. 3, 2006, pp. 311-331.
  • Olgierd Sochacki (ed.): Wątki polityczne w pracach Marii i Stanisława Ossowskich Gdańsk: Gdańskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. ISBN 83-87359-24-6 .
  • Bohdan Walentynowicz, ed., Polish Contributions to the Science of Science , Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1982.

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