Maria Verone

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Maria Vérone (1933)
Maria Vérone in Le Pays de France (1919)

Maria Vérone (born June 20, 1874 in Paris ; died May 24, 1938 there ) was a French lawyer and suffragette.


Maria Vérone was introduced to the free thinker movement by her father when she was fifteen . She worked for a time in Paris as a teacher and became a reporter for the feminist newspaper La Fronde , which had been founded in 1897 by Marguerite Durand , she later wrote for the left-wing newspaper La Bataille syndicaliste . Vérone studied law and was admitted in 1908 as one of the first women in France to court and the Bar Association added. In 1900 she married the printer Maurice Giès, they were divorced in 1907. In 1908 she married the journalist Georges Lhermitte.

Vérone campaigned for women's rights and for women's suffrage and was chairwoman of the Ligue Française pour le Droit des Femmes (LFDF) from 1919 to 1938. When Léon Blum offered her a ministerial post in the Popular Front government in 1936 , she could have been one of the first women to hold a ministerial post in France, but Vérone was terminally ill and had to refuse. She was made a Knight of the Legion of Honor in 1936 .

The Square Maria-Vérone was named after her in Paris in the 18th arrondissement .

Fonts (selection)

  • Georges Lhermitte; Maria Vérone: La Séparation et ses conséquences . Foreword by Ernest Tarbouriech . Paris: Édition de la Clairière, 1906
  • Chrystal Macmillan ; Marie Stritt; Maria Verone: Le Suffrage des femmes en pratique . Paris: L'Alliance , 1913
    • Chrystal Macmillan; Marie Stritt; Maria Verone: Women's Suffrage in Practice . International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Dresden: Verlag von Heinrich Minden, 1913
  • Results you suffrage des femmes . Paris: Ed. de la Clairière, 1914
  • La femme et la loi . Foreword by Julie Siegfried . Paris: Larousse, 1920
  • Pourquoi les femmes veulent voter . Paris: Ligue française pour le droit des femmes, 1926


  • Christine Bard : Les Filles de Marianne: Histoire des féminismes. 1914-1940 . Paris: Fayard, 1995

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. not to be confused with the Union française pour le suffrage des femmes (UFSF)