Mary of the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ

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Blessed Sr. Mary of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ

Mary of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ CAE (real name Maria Grazia Tarallo) (born September 23, 1866 in Barra, today a district of Naples , Italy ; † July 27, 1912 in San Giorgio a Cremano , Italy) was an Italian nun and Mystic . She is venerated as a blessed by the Catholic Church .


On June 1st, 1891, at the age of 25, Maria Grazia Tarallo entered the Congregation of the Suore Crocifisse Adoratrici (“Sisters of Adoration Crucified”), which had been founded a year earlier by Blessed Maddalena Notari , and was given the religious name Maria of the Sorrows of Our Lord Jesus christ . In 1903 she made perpetual vows . She dedicated herself to atonement. She is reported to have had the gifts of prophecy and discernment of spirits . She achieved fame among the people in the last years of her life.

Mary of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ was beatified on May 14, 2006 in Naples . Her feast day in the liturgy is July 27th .

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