Marianne Franke

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Marianne Franke (* 1952 ; † February 19, 2007 ) was a professor at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen . She mainly taught the field of didactics for teaching at primary schools .


Marianne Franke studied the teaching post from 1969 to 1973. Then she attended the Institute for Teacher Training in Eisenach . After the final exam, she began studying educational science in Erfurt , which she graduated with a diploma in 1977 . She stayed at the Erfurt University of Education , where she taught at the Institute for Lower Level Methodology / Primary Education until 1993. She wrote her doctorate in 1980 on the subject of using heuristic working methods in problem solving in class 3 math lessons . After the general license to teach in 1985 , she qualified as a professor on the subject of working with arithmetic student tasks in mathematics lessons at the lower level . In 1993 she took over the professorship for didactics of mathematics in elementary school at the University of Giessen . In the following years she published a number of publications on didactic topics, with the two overview works Didactics of factual arithmetic in elementary schools and Didactics of geometry in elementary schools at some universities being the basic literature in the training of elementary school teachers in mathematics. Despite a serious illness, she revised the geometry didactics and published a second edition in December 2006 - shortly before her death in 2007.


  • Franke, Marianne: Didactics of factual arithmetic in elementary school . Spectrum, Heidelberg, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-8274-0386-3 .
  • Franke, Marianne: Didactics of geometry in elementary school . 2nd Edition. Spectrum, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-8274-1511-X .

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