Marie Rosaire Gagnebet

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Marie Rosaire Gagnebet OP , first name Charles, (born August 6, 1904 in Quatre Routes , † June 1, 1983 in Toulouse ) was a French Dominican and Catholic theologian.


Gagnebet studied theology and philosophy in Saint-Maxim and in Rome, where he received his doctorate in 1937. theol. received his doctorate . From 1938 to 1976 he was a professor at the Angelicum . He was a strict Thomist, defended the speculative understanding of theology and was critical of nouvelle théologie . Gagnebet was a confidante of the Minister General of his order, Michael Browne , and had served in the Holy Office since 1954 . He was a member of the preparatory commission of the Second Vatican Council and chaired the De Ecclesia sub-commission . During the council he was peritus and worked in the theological commission on Lumen gentium . At the same time he was involved in the creation of Dei Verbum and Gaudium et spes .


  • La nature de la theologie speculative : RThom 44 (1938) 1-39.213-255.645-674.
  • De natura theologiae ejusque methodo secundum S. Thomam , 2 vols. Rome 1951–52.
  • L'origine de la juridiction collégiale du corps épiscopal au Concile selon Bolgeni : Divinitas 2 (1961) 431-493.
  • L'œuvre du P. Garrigou-Lagrange: itinéraire intellectuel et spirituel vers Dieu : Angelicum 17 * (1965) 7-31.


Sebastian Tromp: Council diary 5 vols. Alexandra von Teuffenbach (ed.), Gregoriana Rom 2006ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Quisinsky: Gagnebet . In: Michael Quisinsky / Peter Walter (eds.): Lexicon of persons for the Second Vatican Council . Herder, Freiburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-451-30330-2 , pp. 112-113 .