Marija Bursać

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Marija Bursać ( Cyrillic : Марија Бурсаћ; * August 2, 1921 in Kamenica near Drvar ; † September 22, 1943 near Vidovo Selo ) was a Yugoslav communist and partisan against the German occupation in World War II .


Bursać joined the Communist Youth Association (SKOJ; Savez komunističke omladine Jugoslavije ) in October 1941 and the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ; Komunistička partija Jugoslavije ) in February 1942 .

Active in the United Association of Antifascist Youth of Yugoslavia (USAOJ; Ujedinjeni savez antifašističke omladine Jugoslavije ) and the Antifascist Front of Women (AFŽ; Antifašistička front žena ) she served from July 1942 as political commissioner in the 3rd Company of the Battalion of Working Youth. When the 10th Krajina Brigade was formed in February 1943, it joined their 1st Battalion.

In an attack on German bunkers in Prkos near Kulen Vakuf on the night of September 17-18, 1943, she was so badly wounded that she had to be taken to the hospital of the 5th Partisan Corps forty kilometers away. However, she died on September 22nd on the way there near the village of Vidovo Selo.


Bursać was the first woman to be awarded the title of People's Heroine of Yugoslavia by the High Command of the People's Liberation Army on October 15, 1943 .

Branko Ćopić wrote the poem Marija na Prkosima in her honor .


  • Mila Beoković: Žene heroji . Svjetlost, Sarajevo 1967 (detailed biography on Bursać, pp. 9–54).

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