Marino Zorzi

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Marino Zorzi's coat of arms

Marino Zorzi (* around 1231 ; † July 3, 1312 ) was the 50th Doge of Venice . He ruled from August 23, 1311 until his death.

After the death of the 49th Doge Pietro Gradenigo, Stefano Giustinian was elected, who, however, evaded taking office by entering a monastery. Thereupon, on August 23rd, the pious, benevolent and scented Marino Zorzi, who was already 80 years old, was elected. Zorzi saw his office as an opportunity to give the poor with mild gifts and to ensure peace within the republic.

The peace in the republic had been severely disturbed by the foreign policy failures of the predecessor, his deposition and murder and by a conspiracy of discontented noble families under the leadership of Baiamonte Tiepolo , a son of Iacopo Tiepolo, who failed in the Doge election of 1289 . As a result, senior members of old families had been executed and those who had supported the Doge Party rose in rank.

Perhaps one also hoped that the pious Zorzi, because of his experience as the Venetian ambassador in Rome , could more easily persuade the Pope to repeal the interdict of 1308 against the city.

Zorzi died after only 10 months in office. He was buried in the cloister of San Zanipolo .


Web links

Commons : Marino Zorzi  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Pietro Gradenigo Doge of Venice
Giovanni Soranzo