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Coordinates: 1 ° 21 ′  S , 48 ° 21 ′  W
Map: Pará
Marituba on the map of Pará
Basic data
Country Brazil
State Pará
City foundation September 22, 1994
Residents 108,251  (2010)
City insignia
Flag of Marituba.svg
Detailed data
surface 103.279 km²
Population density 1048.14 inhabitants / km 2
Time zone UTC −3
City Presidency Bertoldo Couto (PPS)
Former water tower of Marituba (2018)
Former water tower of Marituba (2018)

Marituba is a city in the Brazilian state of Pará and belongs to the metropolitan area of Belém . In 2010 it had about 108,000 inhabitants on an area of ​​103 km².