Martin Dornberg

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Martin Dornberg (born October 29, 1959 in Cologne ) is a German psychosomaticist and philosopher.

Dornberg in the seminar


Dornberg studied medicine and philosophy in Freiburg / Breisgau. Further training to become a doctor for internal medicine , a doctor for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy as well as a psychoanalyst and in the fields of geriatrics and pain therapy . From 1993 to 1995 Dornberg was the deputy medical director of the Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology Freiburg / ZGGF. Since 1998 he has headed the Center for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy in the Medical Center at the St. Josef Hospital in Freiburg as well as the consultation service for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at the St. Josef Hospital and the Loretto Hospital in Freiburg.

Dornberg works in various philosophical specialist societies and various psychosomatic-psychotherapeutic training and further education institutes: Clinic for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy / University Hospital Freiburg, Depth Psychological Institute Baden (TIB), Wiesbaden Academy for Psychotherapy (WIAP), South German Academy for Psychotherapy (SAP) and is there Approved as lecturer, supervisor and self-awareness manager for depth psychology-based psychotherapy and for psychoanalytic psychotherapy (SAP only). Dornberg is a founding member of the "Working Group on Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Südbaden eV" and a founding member and board member of the "Psychotherapieportal Breisgau eV" association

Martin Dornberg received his doctorate in 1987 in philosophy on Jean Paul Sartre and in 1997 in medicine on euthanasia. Since 1989 he has been teaching philosophy at the Philosophical Department of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. His research and activities focus on psychosomatics, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, medical theory and medical ethics, as well as modern and (post) modern philosophy. In 2005 Dornberg became a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of “Psychologik. Yearbook for Psychology and Philosophy ”(Alber Verlag, Freiburg).

Currently working in the field of “Interdisciplinary Anthropology” as well as at the “Center for Anthropology and Gender Studies” (ZAG), at the “Husserl Archive” and at the “Institute for Media Culture Studies” at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg.

In connection with current research interests regarding contemporary theories of the body and embodiment as well as the per- and transformative potentials of psychosomatics and philosophy, he founded the interdisciplinary research group mbody for artistic research in media, somatics, dance and philosophy together with Monica Alarcon and Daniel Fetzner in 2008 .

Artistic research

  • 2014/15: BUZZ : Parasitic media intervention in an Indian insect laboratory
  • 2012/13: EMBEDDED PHASE DELAY : Performance on the ›missing half second‹ (Helmholtz 1851)
  • 2012: PEAU / PLI : Artistic research on texts by Deleuze and Anzieu
  • 2008: Symposium SPUREN: Lecture: Tense bodies - related memories


  • Violence and subject. A critical investigation into the concept of the subject in JP Sartre's philosophy. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1989.
  • Humanity and violence. Sartre between subject and subject criticism. In: RE Zimmermann (Ed.): Das Sartre-Jahrbuch Eins. Westfälisches Dampfboot Verlag, Münster 1991, pp. 111–129.
  • Thinking, changing, changing thinking. Notes on a philosophical context. In: K. Scheppke, M. Tichy (Ed.): The other of identity. Ute Guzzoni on her 60th birthday. Freiburg, Rombach 1996, pp. 111-126.
  • Inquiry: euthanasia. Treatment limitation and euthanasia from the point of view of internal hospital doctors. Results of a survey and medical ethical assessment. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt 1997.
  • On the magic of feelings: feelings and intersubjectivity. Psychological and philosophical considerations. In: Psychologik 1st yearbook for psychology and philosophy. Freiburg 2006, pp. 132-66.
  • Trauma and Vulnerability in E. Levinas and in Trauma Therapy. In: Psychologik 3rd yearbook for psychology and philosophy. Freiburg 2008, pp. 195-212.
  • Gender and violence. Some notes from a philosophical and psychological point of view. In: Susanne Bach (Ed.): Violence, Gender, Fiction. Discourses on violence and gender issues in contemporary English-language novels, dramas and films. WVT, Trier 2010, pp. 9–37.
  • Euthanasia - Act or Failure. Schattauer, Stuttgart 1998.
  • The infant and fantasizing. On Martin Dornes' “Can babies fantasize?”. In: Psyche. 11, Klett, Stuttgart 1996, pp. 1019-1035.
  • How “psychodynamic” is Schema Therapy? Similarities and differences between schema therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy. In: E. Roediger, G. Jacob (ed.): Advances in schema therapy. Hogrefe Verlag, Göttingen 2010, pp. 30–44.
  • The two-handle tree saw. Reflections on inter-corporeality, environmental relevance and overpersonality. In: T. Breyer (Ed.): Limits of Empathy. Philosophical, psychological and anthropological perspectives. Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn 2013, pp. 239–259.
  • Third body. Body and the constitution of meaning in psychosomatics and phenomenology. In: Arno Böhler, Christian Herzog, Alice Pechriggl (Ed.): Corporal Performance. To the meaning-generating dimension of the body. Transcript, Bielefeld 2014, pp. 107–127.
  • with Daniel Fetzner (Ed.): Intercorporeal Splits. Open House, Leipzig 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. Research group mbody eV  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. BUZZ .
  4. PEAU / PLI .
  5. ↑ SPUREN symposium .