Martin Pöttner

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Martin Pöttner (born December 10, 1959 in Bad Berleburg ) is a German Protestant theologian .


After primary school 1966–1969 he attended the Johannes-Althusius-Gymnasium (Bad Berleburg) from 1969 to 1978 . From 1978 to 1985 he studied Protestant theology, philosophy and sociology in Marburg and Zurich . In 1985 he received a doctoral scholarship. From 1987 to 1992 he was a research assistant in Marburg. After completing his doctorate in 1995, which was awarded the university prize, he was a postdoctoral fellow from 1996 to 1998 at the Graduate School Religion and Normativity in Heidelberg . In 2000 he was awarded the Venia Legendi in Heidelberg. Since 2008 he has been teaching as an adjunct professor for New Testament theology in Heidelberg. From 2002 to 2017 I taught extensively in Heidelberg and Darmstadt , and worked independently as an educational service provider.

Fonts (selection)

  • Reality as communication. Approaches to the description of the grammar of the Pauline speaking in 1Cor 1,4-4,21 with a view to literary problems and situation reference of the 1st Corinthians (= theology. Volume 2). Lit, Münster / Hamburg 1995, ISBN 3-8258-2687-2 (also dissertation, Marburg 1995).
  • as translator: Herbert Spencer : The first principles of philosophy . Jolandos, Pähl 2004, ISBN 3-936679-52-5 .
  • as translator: Nicholas Handoll: The Anatomy of Potency! . Jolandos, Pähl 2004, ISBN 3-936679-63-0 .
  • as translator: Henry Heather Bigg: The gentle treatment of the spine . Jolandos, Pähl 2009, ISBN 978-3-936679-86-1 .
  • as translator: John Martin Littlejohn : Osteopathy explained. A treatise for laypeople . Jolandos, Pähl 2009, ISBN 978-3-936679-43-4 .

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