Martin Wisch

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Julius Oskar Martin Wisch (born February 10, 1896 in Wittenberg , † August 15, 1972 in Hanover ) was a high functionary of the Motor SA and the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) at the time of National Socialism . In the Office for German Raw Materials and in the Reich Office for Economic Development he participated in the implementation of the National Socialist four-year plan against German industry.

Live and act

Member of the middle class

Martin Wisch lived as a merchant in his hometown Wittenberg until 1932 . He married Marta Weilert on May 23, 1924. In 1932 he moved to Dortmund, where he worked as a general agent. The marriage remained childless and evidently did not last. In the party statistics of the NSDAP from 1939 he is described as "living separately" and "childless".

From 1930 member of the NSDAP, career in the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK)

On October 1, 1930, Wisch joined the NSDAP, from which he received membership number 322,070. At the same time he was involved in the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) . A photo album offered to the public by a Munich auction house in 2012, which Martin Wisch had once heard, provides information about his promotions to

  • Standartenführer at NSKK or Motor-SA on January 1, 1932,
  • to the "Oberführer, National Leader of the NSKK v. Westphalia , group relay leader of the Motor-SA ”on December 1, 1932
  • and to the NSKK brigade leader on November 10, 1933.

Other photographs on the album show Martin Wisch in the Westphalia Motorsport School in Haßlinghausen (now part of Sprockhövel ) and in January 1935 at the district council in Schwelm .

Professional activity in the four-year plan organization

In 1935 Wisch moved to Berlin, where, after the four-year plan was announced, he found a job in Hermann Göring's four-year plan organization . From autumn 1936 he worked as an employee of Paul Pleiger in the newly established Office for German Raw Materials . After the dissolution of this office he headed the main department A 20 (settlement, residential camp, labor) of the Reichsststelle for economic development . The Reichsstelle was formed at the beginning of 1938 from the remains of the dissolved raw materials office and was under the direction of Albrecht Czimatis . It was Wisch's job to coordinate and monitor the workers' housing construction within the framework of the four-year plan, in which countless people were involved. His successes were limited. As early as mid-1937, Hermann Göring withdrew the central responsibility for the construction of workers' housing within the framework of the four-year plan from the German Labor Front due to serious delays and the ongoing organizational chaos.

post war period

Towards the end of the war, Wisch stayed in Bavaria. In August 1945 he moved from Munich to Hanover. Files about his possible internment and denazification could not be ascertained either at the Federal Archives in Koblenz or at the Lower Saxony State Archives . According to the latter, the files of the British occupation authorities are in the National Archives in London .


  • Dorothee Hochstetter: Motorization and “Volksgemeinschaft”. The National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) 1931–1945 . Oldenbourg, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-486-57570-8 .
  • Wolf-Ingo Seidelmann: "Making iron for the fighting army!" Doggererz AG - a contribution by the Otto Wolff Group and the Saarland steel industry to the National Socialist autarky and armaments policy on the Baar in Baden. UVK Verlag Konstanz and Munich, 2016, ISBN 978-3-86764-653-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Information from the Wittenberg City Archives from March 8, 2013 and Dortmund from August 16, 2012.
  2. ^ Party statistical survey by the head of the NSDAP Reich organization on July 1, 1939, Martin Wisch questionnaire, Federal Archives Berlin , BA (formerly BDC ).
  3. Martin Wisch NSDAP membership card , Federal Archives Berlin , BA (formerly BDC ), NSDAP Gaukartei.
  4. ^ Party statistical survey by the head of the NSDAP Reich organization on July 1, 1939, Martin Wisch questionnaire, Federal Archives Berlin , BA (formerly BDC ).
  5. The album has left traces on the Internet there:
  6. Wolf-Ingo Seidelmann: "Making iron for the fighting army!" Doggererz AG - a contribution by the Otto Wolff Group and the Saarland steel industry to the National Socialist autarky and armaments policy on the Baar in Baden. UVK Verlag Konstanz and Munich, 2016, ISBN 978-3-86764-653-6 , p. 95 .
  7. Wolf-Ingo Seidelmann: "Making iron for the fighting army!" P. 95-107 .
  8. Information from the Hannover City Archives from February 12, 2013.