Maruja Vieira

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Maruja Vieira (born December 25, 1922 in Manizales , Colombia) is a Colombian poet and journalist .

In addition to her many years of literary and lyrical activity, Vieira taught literature, cultural journalism and public relations at various universities in Colombia (including the Colombian Universidad Central and the Universidad de la Sabana in Bogotá).

Vieira is a member of the Academia Colombiana de la Lengua and the writers' association PEN. Her volumes of poetry have been translated into several languages ​​and her work has been awarded the Order Gabriela Mistral of the Republic of Chile, in 2004 with the Prize of the Fundación Mujeres de Éxito and in 2012 with the Vida y Obra - Prize awarded by the Colombian Ministry of Culture.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Carlos Restrepo: Poeta manizalita, a los 90 años, y estrena blog página web. In El Tiempo , November 1, 2012.