Marybeth Tinning

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Marybeth Tinning , also Mary Beth Tinning , née Marybeth Roe (born September 11, 1942 in Duanesburg , New York ) is an American serial killer . She probably killed seven of her own eight children and one adopted child between 1972 and 1985.


Tinning became a mother eight times within fourteen years, and she also adopted a ninth child. But their children died early: all nine died despite apparently healthy and well developing children. Nobody suspected anything bad at first, and the doctors diagnosed sudden infant death syndrome or Reye's syndrome . At the time of the deaths, these diseases had not been well researched and genetic causes were suspected.

Due to the negligence of the authorities and the hospitals, which only carried out an autopsy in six of the nine deaths , it was only after the death of the four-month-old Tami Lynne († December 20, 1985) for an official examination by the police and various offices.

In a police interrogation on February 4, 1986, she admitted the killing of her children Timothy, Nathan and Tami Lynne, but denied responsibility for the deaths of Jennifer, Joseph, Barbara, Michael, Mary Frances and Jonathan. She later revoked the confession because it was allegedly made under pressure from investigators. On June 22, 1987, the murder trial against Tinning began. The prosecution limited itself to the Tami Lynne case because the evidence seemed most convincing there. Numerous medical experts testified in the process, Tinning himself refused to testify. After three days of deliberation, the jury made a guilty verdict. Tinning was sentenced to 20 years and life imprisonment for second degree murder, which she has since served in New York's Bedford Hills Women's Prison.

In March 2007, her release was denied on the grounds that she showed no remorse. In 2009, her second application for release was also denied, and the next application, which she was allowed to make in 2011, was denied again. Their applications were also rejected in 2013, 2015 and 2017. Only her seventh request for release was successful: In August 2018, at the age of 75, she was released on parole after more than 31 years in prison.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Charles Montaldo: Marybeth Tinning - Parole Hearings., July 31, 2014, accessed December 4, 2014 .
  2. ^ Marybeth Tinning Loses Parole Bid , North Country Gazette, April 4, 2009
  3. ^ Convicted child killer Marybeth Tinning released , Daily Gazette, Aug. 21, 2018