Masood Kamandy

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Masood Kamandy (* 1981 in Fort Collins Colorado ) is an American photographer and video artist .

life and work

Masood Kamandy is of Afghan origin and his family is originally from Kabul. Kamandy received his Bachelor of Art from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 2004 and his Master’s degree from the University of California in Los Angeles in 2012 . He is a university lecturer for photography there.

His work began as a documentary about his family history , and developed into an examination of the post-production of video and photo material. Kamandy raised funds to set up a darkroom at Kabul University and began teaching photography there. He curated an exhibition of student work at the Visual Arts Gallery in New York entitled: First Light: Teaching Photography in Kabul . For dOCUMENTA (13) he organized a second seminar under the heading Photographic Information , which questions the status of photography in the digital age. The exhibition, in which the framed photo prints were hung in clusters or rhizomes , was entitled Superpositional .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Masood Kamandy.Retrieved March 9, 2019
  2. dOCUMENTA (13). The accompanying book / The Guidebook. Catalog 3/3., Page 479, 2012, ISBN 978-3-7757-2954-3
  3. Ucla Extension Masood Kamandy's Cronophotography accessed on March 9, 2019 (English)
  4. dOCUMENTA (13). The accompanying book / The Guidebook. Catalog 3/3., Page 388, 2012, ISBN 978-3-7757-2954-3