Mathias Schüz

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Mathias Schüz (* 1956 in Wörrstadt ) is a German philosopher and business ethicist.


Schüz studied physics , philosophy and education at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and passed a state examination for teaching at grammar schools in 1982. After completing his doctorate on the philosophical consequences of quantum physics in the complete works of Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker , he was a trainee and sales representative from 1985 to 1987 at IBM , co-initiator of the Gerling Academy for Risk Research in Zurich and there until its dissolution member of the management (1990–2003), among other things responsible for the Corporate University of the Gerling Insurance Group. From 2000 to 2009 he was a lecturer at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and the University of Klagenfurt for value-based management and applied business ethics . Since 2006 he has been a lecturer at the School of Management and Law at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), initially with a focus on international strategic management, corporate responsibility , managing diversities and business ethics. Since 2011 he has been teaching and researching as Professor for Responsible Leadership at the Center for Human Capital Management at the ZHAW. He has developed a holistic model of sustainable corporate responsibility. It not only reflects the economic, social and ecological dimensions of responsibility, but also its scope and sustainability as well as the different approaches of traditional ethics ( usefulness , duty and virtue ethics ).


  • The unity of the real - Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker's Denkweg , Pfullingen 1986
  • Risk and Risk - The Challenge of the Industrial World, Vol. I u. II. (Editor), Pfullingen 1990
  • Risk Paradise Lost or Gained? A Holistic Approach to the Environment (editor with OP Obermeier), Gardner Press, Lake Worth 1995
  • Values ​​- risk - responsibility. Dimensions of Value Management , Munich 1999
  • Trends - Issues - Communication (editor with R. Gerling, OP Obermeier), Munich 2001
  • (together with Stephen Wirth and Aiko Bode) Lies in the executive floor - Collected untruths from management , Weinheim 2007
  • Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker - A pioneer of responsibility in a new age , in: Ulrich Bartosch / Rainer Braun (ed.): Perspectives and Encounters - Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker on his 100th birthday, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2012, pp. 219–224.
  • Sustainable Corporate Responsibility - The Foundation of Successful Business in the New Millennium , in: Central European Business Review, No 2, Prague: VSE, 2012, pp. 7–15.
  • Tabu und Ethik , in: Tabu, Themenzeitung Mediaplanet, No. 3, November 2013, supplement of the Tagesanzeiger, p. 2
  • Basics of ethical corporate responsibility , Zurich 2013
  • Developing Sustainably Responsible Strategies in Business , in: Molthan-Hill, Petra (ed.): The Business Students' Guide to Sustainable Management - Principles and Practices, Edinburgh: Greenleaf 2014, p. 242-278.
  • Why Top Managers Need 'Spiritual Intelligence' , in: HR Today Online v. November 24, 2015
  • Sustainably Responsible Leadership and Innovation , in: Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Sustainability, 26-27 May 2016, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference (ed. By Martin Lukes et al.), Prague: Nakladatelství Oeconomica VSE, 2016, pp. 634-656
  • Desire and Reality , in: HR Today, No. 12, 2016
  • Applied Business Ethics - Basics for Study and Practice , Munich: Pearson 2017

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathias Schüz: The Unity of Reality - Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker's path of thought . Neske Verlag, Pfullingen 1986, ISBN 3-7885-0287-8 .
  2. ^ Mathias Schüz: Sustainable Corporate Responsibility - The Foundation of Successful Business in the New Millennium . In: Central European Business Review . tape 1 , no. 2 , 2012, ISSN  1805-4854 , p. 7–15 , doi : 10.18267 / j.cebr.12 ( [accessed April 25, 2018]).
  3. ^ Mathias Schüz: Sustainable Corporate Responsibility - The Foundation of Successful Business in the New Millennium . In: Central European Business Review . tape 1 , no. 2 , November 7, 2012, ISSN  1805-4862 , p. 7–15 , doi : 10.18267 / 34 ( [accessed December 7, 2016]).
  4. ^ Mathias Schüz: Basics of ethical corporate responsibility . In: ZHAW School of Management and Law (Ed.): SML Essentials . tape 1 . vdf Hochschulverlag AG at the ETH, Zurich 2013, ISBN 978-3-7281-3570-4 , p. 33-49 .
  5. ^ Mathias Schüz: Applied business ethics - basics for study and practice . Pearson, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-86894-278-1 , pp. 41-68 .