Matilda Howell

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Matilda Scott "Lida" Howell (born August 28, 1859 - † December 20, 1939 ) was an American archer .

In 1975 she was inducted into the Archery Hall of Fame .


Howell began her athletic career in the late 1870s. After becoming Ohio State Champion in 1881 and 1882 , she won a total of 18 American championship titles between 1883 and 1907. In 1895 she set a record that was not broken until 1931.

At the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis , archery was the only sport that allowed women. Howell won three gold medals; in the Double National Round , in the Double Columbia Round and in the Team Round (team evaluation). She is the first ever three-time Olympic champion.

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