Matting snowman

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Matting snowman
BirdsAsiaJohnGoVGoul 0020.jpg

Matt pearling ( Leucosticte brandti )

Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Finches (Fringillidae)
Subfamily : Goldfinches (Carduelinae)
Tribe : Pyrrhulini
Genre : Snowfinch ( Leucosticte )
Type : Matting snowman
Scientific name
Leucosticte brandti
Bonaparte , 1850

The Brandt's Mountain Finch ( Leucosticte brandti ), even rock mountain finch called, is a bird art of the subfamily of the Stieglitz-like . The species occurs exclusively in Asia and populates there at high altitudes in the mountains.


The matted snow bull reaches a body length of up to eighteen centimeters. There is no gender dimorphism . The species is very similar to the forest snow bull , whose range overlaps with that of the matted snow bull. However, the forest snow bull is overall a little more brown in color and is smaller.

The matted snow bull is light brown-gray. The back is a little darker brown than the wing covers, the belly and the under tail coverts, all of which have a slightly more intense shade of gray. The wings are black and have light gray edges. The head and neck are also feathered black. The beak is horn-colored.

Way of life

The distribution area of ​​the matted snowcat stretches from Afghanistan to Tibet, as well as to the Altai and northwest China . He is a pronounced high-altitude inhabitant who spends the summer in regions above the tree line between 4,000 and 6,000 meters. Its habitat are treeless meadows and mountain slopes. During the winter it moves to lower altitudes. The nest is built on the ground and is found under ledges and niches.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Bielfeld, p. 64.
  2. Bielfeld, p. 66.


Web links

Commons : Mattenschneegimpel ( Leucosticte brandti )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files