Matthew Blaw

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Matthäus (Matthaeus) Blaw (* 1658 , location unknown; † 1710 , location unknown) was a German doctor, professor of medicine at the University of Freiburg and member of the academy of scholars " Leopoldina ".


Matthäus Blaw worked in Konstanz and Biberach an der Riss . He was a full professor of medicine at the University of Freiburg .

On April 30, 1699, Matthäus Blaw with the academic surname Pausanias was accepted as a member ( matriculation no. 236 ) in the Leopoldina . He was a member of the medicine section.

Matthäus Blaw dealt with medicinal plants, for example the woolly herb as a remedy against the blow flow. If you dig up its roots on June 28th and carry it around your neck in a silk sack, this is a good remedy for the flow of blows.


  • Matthäus Blaw: Description of the Kinds-Blatern / Or Kurtzer / clear and actual report of those Kinds-Blatern / or Durchschlägten , Constance approx. 1688.
  • Blaw, Matthaeus and Bisinger, Georg Heinrich: De motu cordis et circulatione sanguinis info , Hautt, Constantiae 1692.
  • Blaw, Matthaeus and Hainzman, Josef Anton Alexander: De febribus in genere info , Straub, Constantiae 1697.


Individual evidence

  1. Matthäus Blaw, In: Stephan Franz Geoffroy: Continuation of the treatise Materia Medica, from the inner plants , Leipzig 1763, p. 344.

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