Matthias Gunderam

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Matthias Gunderam (* around 1529 in Kronach ; † October 8, 1564 in Crailsheim ) was a German Protestant theologian.


On January 18, 1547, Gunderam enrolled at the University of Wittenberg and on August 14, 1550 earned the degree of master's degree at the Faculty of Philosophy. That year he represented Lucas Cranach the Elder in a lawsuit that he trusted as his cousin. On August 14, 1553 he was accepted into the senate of the philosophical faculty, of which he was dean in the winter semester of 1559 .

Before the end of the semester, Paul Eber and Philipp Melanchthon , the Franconian Margrave Georg Friedrich , recommended him as pastor and superintendent of Crailsheim. Gunderam traveled to the margravial court in the spring of 1560 and after the usual negotiations there, he returned to Wittenberg and was ordained for the office on June 24, 1560.

On November 25th he married Salome, the daughter of the local pastor Georg Karg, in Ansbach. Johannes Mathesius wrote the poem Öconomica for the wedding . Gunderam died in 1564 where he worked.


  • Nikolaus Müller: The finds in the tower knobs of the town church in Wittenberg. Magdeburg 1912
  • Heinz Scheible: Melanchthon's Correspondence People Volume 12
  • Otto Haug: Pastors' book Württembergisch Franconia. Part 2: The church and school servants . Stuttgart 1981, p. 140 (820)