Matthias of Liegnitz

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Matthias von Liegnitz (also Mathias von Liegnitz ; Matthäus von Liegnitz ; Czech Matěj z Lehnice ; Latin Matthias de Legnicz ; * around 1350 in Liegnitz ; † around 1413 ) was dean at the artist faculty in 1389/90 and from 1397 master of theology at Prague Charles University . A collection of sermons about the Sunday epistles and a funeral sermon have been preserved from his writings .


Matthias, who came from Liegnitz according to his original name , studied from around 1371 at the Artistic Faculty of Charles University in Prague. Like his compatriot Nikolaus Magni von Jauer , he was a student of the German theologian Matthäus von Krakau , who came from Krakow . In 1374 he acquired the academic degree of baccalaureus . In 1379 he became a master of fine arts and in the same year he began lecturing at the artist faculty. During his tenure as dean of this faculty in the winter semester of 1389/1390, he campaigned for the revision of the statutes. It is not known when he began studying theology, which then lasted twelve years. In the deanery book of the artist faculty he is still listed for the year 1397, but in the same year he is already referred to as "Licentiatus in theologia" in August, so that he presumably held lectures as a master of theology from this point on. In 1397 he is mentioned as "sacrae theologiae professor". After Bohuslav Balbin he was a member of the Collegium Carolinum.

In addition to his theological lectures, Matthias, who was a member of the preacher's school, devoted himself to the preaching office, which was part of the curriculum for theology studies. He gave his sermons on the Sunday epistles in German. For the scholars he later published it in Latin under the title “Postilla super epistolas dominicales”. This collection of sermons has been preserved in several manuscripts.

On the occasion of the funeral of the Prague Archbishop Johann von Jenstein , Matthias von Liegnitz gave a funeral sermon in the presence of Archbishop Olbram von Škvorec . It is interspersed with allusions to incidents from Jenstein's life. The manuscript of the funeral sermon is said to have been preserved in the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow under the title “Sermo magistri Mathie de Legnicz factus coram archiepiscopo Pragensi in exequiis” .


  • Postilla super epistolas dominicales , digitized version (MS-B-198)
  • Sermo magistri Mathie de Legnicz factus coram archiepiscopo Pragensi in exequiis


  • Adolph Franz : Matthias von Liegnitz and Nicolaus Stör von Schweidnitz. Two Silesian theologians from the 14th / 15th centuries Century . F. Kirchheim publishing house, Mainz 1898.
  • Gustav Sommerfeld: The funeral sermon of Magister Matthias von Liegnitz on the death of the Prague Archbishop Johann von Jenstein († June 17, 1400) . In: Communications of the Association for the History of Germans in Böhmen, Vol. 42 (1904) pp. 269–275.

Individual evidence

  1. life data
  2. Dean's office
  3. ^ School of Preachers