Matwei Nikolaevich Changalow

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Personal belongings of Matwei Changalow in the Buryat History Museum

Matwei Nikolajewitsch Changalow or Matvej Nikolaevič Changalov ( Russian Матвей Николаевич Хангалов ; *  1858 ; †  February 17, 1918 ) was a Buryat- Russian ethnographer and local historian. Together with Nikolai Agapitow he wrote the work Materials for the Study of Shamanism in Siberia (Irkutsk 1883). He also dealt with the shamanism of the Buryats ( Novyje materialy u samanstve u buryat , 1890).


  • Н.Н. Агапитов и М.Н. Хангалов: Матеріалы для изученія Шаманства въ Сибири. Шаманство у Бурятъ Иркутской губерніи. Иркутскъ, 1883.


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