Maurice Pedergnana

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Maurice Richard Harvey Pedergnana (born September 20, 1964 in Winterthur ; resident in Winterthur and Oberembrach ) is a Swiss - Canadian economist .


Pedergnana studied economics at the University of St. Gallen from 1984 to 1988 . From 1992 to 1993 he was a scholarship holder at the Sophia University in Tokyo. Back at the University of St. Gallen , he did his doctorate with a dissertation on “Competitiveness and success factors of Swiss companies in foreign markets (using the example of Japan)”.

From 1989 to 1991 he worked as an assistant at the Malik Management Center in St. Gallen . He then worked as a management consultant for small and medium-sized companies at Creative Consulting until 1996 . From 1997 to 2000 he was at Viability Consulting AG , where he worked as a consultant in the area of controlling and management information systems for public institutions. He also lectured at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur between 1997 and 2001 .

Maurice Pedergnana has worked at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences since 2000 , where he is a part-time professor . As head of studies, he leads the postgraduate course MAS Bank Management. Until 2013 he was deputy head of the Institute for Financial Services Zug IFZ (with around 70 employees). In addition, he is managing director of the Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association SECA on behalf of the IFZ and on the premises of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is a member of various boards of directors (Viability Consulting AG, IG Bank (Switzerland) and Uniserv AG). From 1999 to 2011 he was a member of the bank council of Zürcher Kantonalbank .

Today his focus is on his managerial role at Zugerberg Finanz AG in Zug, where he heads the investment committee and acts as chief economist.

Pedergnana is divorced from Jacqueline Fehr and has two children.


  • Venture Capital Manifest 2010. SECA Verlag, Zug 2010 (with Christoph Banik)
  • Financial market crisis: trigger, causes, effects. DFRVB, Friborg 2009 (with Nicolas Bürkler and Aldo Greca)
  • Strategic investment management. Haupt Verlag, Bern 2008, 220 pages. (with Cuno Pümpin)
  • Le capital-investissement suisse: acteurs, investissement et performance. SECA Verlag, Zug 2009, 100 p. (With Cyril Demaria)
  • Hybrid and mezzanine financing instruments: possibilities and limits. Haupt Verlag, Bern 2008, 240 pages. (with Christoph Banik, Matthias Ogg).
  • Mezzanine Finance. Self-published by IFZ, Zug 2004, 110 pages. (with Beat Barthold, Oliver Müller)
  • Swiss credit market. Self-published, Zug 2004, 444 pages. (with Christoph Schacht as co-editor)
  • Credit relationships between banks and SMEs - An empirical analysis with special consideration of the structural changes in the Swiss credit market. Self-published by IFZ, Zug 2004, 496 pages. (with Christoph Schacht, Christoph Sax)
  • Cantonal banks in comparison 2004. Self-published by IZF, Zug 2004, 596 pages. (with Daniel Piazza)
  • Banks & Brands. Haupt Verlag, Bern / Stuttgart / Vienna 2003, 483 pages. (with Martin Schneider, Stefan Vogler as co-editors; Get Abstract Rating: overall rating 8, feasibility 9, degree of innovation 7, style 8)
  • Vision of a social Switzerland. Haupt Verlag, Bern / Stuttgart / Vienna 1996. A study commissioned and published by Switzerland. Association for Future Research. (with Peter Füglistaler)
  • Time for division of labor: The unused potential for economy and society A guide for companies, women and men Winterthur 1995. (together with Franziska Frohofer, Susanne Schmid)
  • Paths to a social Switzerland. Orell Füssli Verlag, Zurich 1993. (with Peter Füglistaler)
  • The Japanese market - competitive characteristics, success factors and framework conditions illustrated using the example of Swiss companies. Hallstadt Verlag Baden-Baden 1993. (Dissertation at the University of St. Gallen)
  • AIDS - On the development in Switzerland up to 1995: Results of an interdisciplinary seminar at the University of St. Gallen on future problems of AIDS in terms of health economics, health policy and health law. Huber Verlag, Bern 1988. (with Hans Schmid, von Wartburg as co-editor - foreword by Federal Councilor Flavio Cotti).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b UNISERV AG , Commercial Register of the Canton of St. Gallen, accessed on July 25, 2020.
  2. a b Maurice Pedergnana: M&A: opportunities and risks from the GRC point of view. Slides for a talk, p. 59, accessed on July 25, 2020.