Max Planck Institute for Agricultural Work and Technology

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The Max Planck Institute for Agricultural Work and Technology existed from 1940 to 1976; Gerhardt Preuschen was its director from 1940 to 1976 .


The agricultural research facility was founded as an institute for agricultural work science and agricultural engineering in the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in 1940 in Breslau . In 1945 the company was relocated to Imbshausen near Göttingen and in 1948 it was taken over by the Max Planck Society .

It was moved to Bad Kreuznach in 1950 , renamed the Max Planck Institute for Agricultural Work and Technology in 1956 and the institute closed in 1976 when Gerhardt Preuschen retired.

The institute has contributed to the mechanization of European agriculture through numerous scientific studies. The publications on agricultural work and agricultural technology can be found in dissertations and earlier publications in specialist journals.

The files of the dissolution are in the archive of the Max Planck Society.


  • Walter Glasow (Ed.): Tasks and results from agricultural labor science. Scientific contributions on the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Gerhardt Prussia. Parey, Hamburg, Berlin 1968.
  • Irene Raehlmann: Industrial Science in National Socialism. An analysis of the sociology of science. VS, Wiesbaden 2005, ISBN 3-531-14678-5 , pp. 123ff. ( Google books )
  • Josef Hesselbach , Ulrich Hampl: Gerhardt Preuschen January 22, 1908 - March 22, 2004. In: Yearbook of the Max Planck Society 2005. ISBN 3-927579-21-1 , pp. 121f.
  • Institute for agricultural work science (and agricultural technology) in the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Society - Max Planck Institute for agricultural work and agricultural technology (BMS), Bad Kreuznach, Am Kauzenberg , in: Eckart Henning , Marion Kazemi : Handbuch zur Institute history of the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011 - Daten und Quellen , Berlin 2016, 2 volumes, volume 1: Institutes and research centers A – L ( PDF ), pp. 879–885 (Chronology of the institute)

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the Max Planck Institute for Agricultural Work and Technology
  2. Information on the dissolution of the Max Planck Institute for Agricultural Work and Technology