Max Peters (District Administrator)

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Max Peters (born June 30, 1878 in Seesen , Hanover province ; † April 23, 1934 in Dortmund , Westphalia province ) was a German administrative lawyer.


Peters studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and was recipert in the Corps Bremensia in 1898 . He was promoted to Dr. iur. PhD . As a government assessor , he was appointed district administrator in the Lyck district in 1913 . When the Imperial Russian Army marched into East Prussia in August 1914, he was taken prisoner of war . For the German National People's Party he represented Allenstein from 1919 and the Lyck district in the East Prussian provincial parliament from 1925 . As a district administrator in Lyck , he was retired on July 1, 1929.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 39/990.
  2. a b District of Lyck (
  3. ↑ Directory of members of the East Prussian Provincial Parliament (Korfmacher)