Maxim Borodin

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Maxim Borodin ( Russian Максим Бородин , * around 1985 ; † April 15, 2018 in Yekaterinburg , Russia ) was a Russian investigative journalist . He worked for the Novi Den press service . Shortly before his death he wrote about the deaths of several Russian mercenaries from the " Wagner Group ", a private Russian company that has been fighting in the war in Syria since 2015 .

On April 12, 2018, under circumstances that have not yet been clarified, the 32-year-old journalist fell out of a window on the fifth floor of his apartment in Yekaterinburg and died on April 15, 2018 in hospital No. 23 in the city without regaining consciousness to have. His death was received in the media in numerous countries.

Organizations such as B. Reporters Without Borders and the OSCE are calling for the case to be investigated.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. В Екатеринбурге скончался журналист РИА "Новый день" Максим Бородин , April 15, 2018; accessed on April 16, 2018 (Russian)
  2. April 16, 2018: Russian investigative journalist dies after falling from a balcony
  3. ^ Yekaterinburg journalist Maxim Borodin died in the hospital in on April 15, 2018; accessed on April 16, 2018 (Russian)
  5. Russia journalist Maxim Borodin dies after mystery fall
  6. Russian investigative journalist dies after mysterious fall from fourth-floor window
  7. OSCE wants to clarify the death of a Russian reporter