Maximilian Erasmus von Zinzendorf

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Maximilian Erasmus Count of Zinzendorf and Pottendorf (born October 1, 1722 , † December 5, 1780 in Dresden ) was an electoral chamberlain and manor owner


Zinzendorf was the second eldest son of the Electorate Chamberlain Count Friedrich Christian von Zinzendorf and Pottendorf and his first wife Dorothea Juliane Amalie, nee. Freiin von Polheim He grew up in a strictly religious Protestant family and was the younger brother of Ludwig von Zinzendorf and half-brother of Friedrich August von Zinzendorf and Karl von Zinzendorf .

Friedrich August von Zinzendorf received military training and rose to the rank of colonel. At the Dresden court he was appointed chamberlain.


His marriage to Raphaele Charlotte, daughter of Hector Wilhelm Graf von Kornfail and the Countess von Auersperg (born December 22, 1720), who was born on October 1, 1763, did not result in any children. From 1773 she was the owner of the Zahna house , which had passed to her and her brother after the death of Hector Heinrich von Kornfail .
