Mechthild Gassner

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Mechthild Gaßner (* in the Black Forest , Baden-Württemberg ) is a German author , documentary filmmaker and television producer .

Live and act

Mechthild Gaßner was born in the Black Forest and graduated in 1989 with a degree in social education . In 1991 she finished her studies in visual communication for film and television at the Kassel Art Academy . Further training followed, including in dramaturgy and directing with Krzysztof Kieślowski . Since the 1990s she has produced documentaries and reports for German television, some of which have received awards. Mechthild Gassner has her own production company in Berlin , GASSNER Filmproduktion . She was also a foreign language correspondent in Paris and London .

Filmography (selection)

(Script / direction / production)

  • 1995: To life and death ( 37 degrees , ZDF )
  • 1997: The Death Washer - Life in the Border Area (37 degrees, ZDF)
  • 2002. When parents need care - daughters in conflict (37 degrees, ZDF)
  • 2003: Half a life (documentary, Das kleine Fernsehspiel , ZDF)
  • 2004: The Chancellery (5-part television documentary series, SWR / ARD)
  • 2006: The Last Journey (5-part television documentary series, WDR / ARD)
  • 2006: Tapped in - at 18 in the debt trap (37 degrees, ZDF)
  • 2007: An angel for grandpa (37 degrees, ZDF)
  • 2008: The culinary adventures of Sarah Wiener (cook / travel journal series, arte )
  • 2009: Living in Chaos - When Order Has No Chance (37 Degrees, ZDF)
  • 2009: 24h Berlin - A Day in the Life - Director of an episode ( rbb / arte)
  • 2010: Death on the tracks - trauma of a train driver (Day 7, WDR)
  • 2011: The fear of the train driver (Die Story, WDR)
  • 2011: Today is yesterday and tomorrow (WDR / arte)
  • 2013: One is missing (rbb / arte)
  • 2015: As long as you are there - when children have sick parents (37 degrees, ZDF)
  • 2017: Touches (rbb / arte)
  • 2018: The Dark Secret - Abuse in the Family (37 degrees, ZDF)
  • 2019: The invisible enemy - A life with the germ (37 degrees, ZDF)


  • 2000: Honorable Mention, Intern. Ecum. Helsinki TV Festival, "The Death Washer"
  • 2003: Best Film, Spectrum Young Film , Cologne Conference, "Half Life"
  • 2004: Main Prize Dignity & Work , Intern. Gdansk DocFilm Festival, "Half of Life"
  • 2006: Women's Media Prize, Juliane Bartel Prize, The Last Journey
  • 2011: Nominated for the German Television Award, "Today is yesterday and tomorrow"

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Das halbe Leben (Mechthild Gassner), Germany, 2003. (No longer available online.) In: Tölzer Filmkur . Archived from the original on February 16, 2010 ; Retrieved November 29, 2010 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /