Medha Patkar

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Patkar in 2002

Medha Patkar (born December 1, 1954 in Mumbai , India ) is an Indian ecologist and civil rights activist. She became known as the leader of the "Save the Narmada" ("Narmada Bachao Andolan") movement, which campaigns for the rights of people displaced from large dams . Medha Patkar is following the example of Mahatma Gandhi in her protests .

The dam project for the fifth largest river in India, the Narmada , was planned in 1979 and includes the construction of several thousand dams of various sizes on the river north of Mumbai (Bombay). In 2006, it was planned to increase the largest dam ( Sardar-Sarovar Dam ) from 111 to 122 meters, which meant the flooding of another 220 villages. From 1998 to 2000 she was a member of the World Commission on Dams .

As co-founder of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), she and Baba Amte received the Right Livelihood Award for her commitment in 1991 .

In 1992 she received the Goldman Environmental Prize and in 1998 the Amnesty International Human Rights Prize .

In 2005 she was nominated as one of 1000 women for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize.

Web links

Commons : Medha Patkar  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence
