Sedat Mehder

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Sedat Mehder (* 1970 in Turkey ) is a German photographer.

Mehder came to Germany at the age of two and has lived there ever since. Since 1991 he has been working as a freelance photographer. He later studied photo and film design at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences . His photo essay Germany - a mosque won the 2001 student competition of the Federal Ministry of the Interior . In 2002, The Usual Suspects ... received another award in the same competition.

Mehder's photographic works can be found in numerous books, particularly on German-Turkish topics, but also in large German newspapers (including the Süddeutsche Zeitung ). In recent years, Mehder has taken portraits of celebrities, such as Murat Uyurkulak and Monica Frassoni . Mehder's photographs of Orhan Pamuk , the Nobel Prize Winner for Literature, are used by him on his German website.

With Cem Özdemir's non-fiction book for adolescents and young adults Turkey (2008), a book illustrated with Mehder's photographs was published for the first time.


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