Meir Lublin

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Sefer She'elot uTeschuwot Maharam Lublin (Warsaw 1881)

Meir Lublin ; and Meir ben Gedaliah , (born in 1558 in Lublin , Poland ; died 1616 ) was a Polish rabbi , Talmudist and posek . He became known for his commentaries on the Talmud . He is also known as Maharam (Hebrew acronym: "Our teacher, Rabbi Meir").


Maharam was born in Lublin. He came from a rabbi family. His father Gedaliah was an excellent Talmudist. His most important teacher was his father-in-law Isaac ha-Kohen Shapiro, rabbi in Cracow . Maharam had such a good knowledge of the Talmud and the Response that in 1587, when he was less than 30 years old, he was appointed Rabbi of Cracow. In 1591 he became rabbi of Lemberg . In 1613 he became a rabbi in Lublin and founded a yeshiva there . He was famous as the head of the Yeshiva (Rosh Yeshiva). Many of his students became prominent rabbis or leaders of yeshivot. His most famous student was Isaiah Horowitz . A daughter of the Maharam was married to Benjamin Beinisch Gelernter, whose parents were Rabbi Zachariah Mendel Gelernter and the daughter of Judah Löw , the Maharal of Prague .


Meir Einei Chachamim is his most famous work, a casuistic commentary on the Talmud, Rashi and Tosafot at the same time. It was edited by his son Gedaliah and has since been included in all basic editions of the Talmud under the heading "Maharam".

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