Master of the Bützow Altar

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Depiction of the death of the Virgin on the altar in the Bützow collegiate church
The left wing of the altar

A Low German painter of the late Middle Ages who worked in his workshop in Lübeck at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century is known as the master of the Bützow altar . The artist, who is not known by name, was given his emergency name after a Marian altar that he had created for the collegiate church of St. Maria, Johannes and Elisabeth zu Bützow .

It got this name in the 20th century after the St. Mary's altar, dated 1503, which was donated to the Bützow collegiate church by the Schwerin Bishop Konrad Loste . When the altar was being built, the performing artists often did without a signature of their works. Art history therefore tries to assign further works to a characteristic work by an artist, such as the eponymous altar here, based on the artistic handwriting. In the case of the master of the Bützow altar, these are the altar wings of the St. John's altar of the Corpus Christi Brotherhood in St. Anne's Monastery in Lübeck , namely the outer sides of the inactive wings and the outer wings, as well as large parts of the altar in the Marienkirche in Parchim . His participation in the altar of Singö Church in Sweden is controversial. It is also associated with the Annen Altar in the Church of Trondenes in Northern Norway .

Further attributions:


  • Harald Busch : Master of the North. Old Low German painting. 1450-1550. 2nd, revised edition. Ellermann, Hamburg 1943, p. 101f.
  • Friedrich Lisch : The altar of the church to Witzin. In: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology. 27, 1862, pp. 226-227. (Full text)
  • Tilo Schöfbeck, Detlef Witt: The collegiate church to Bützow. Petersberg 2014 ISBN 978-3-7319-0123-5
  • Kristina Hegner: From Mecklenburg's churches and monasteries. The medieval inventory of the State Museum Schwerin. Petersberg 2015 ISBN 978-3-7319-0062-7

Web links

Commons : Master of the Bützow Altar  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

supporting documents

  1. The town or collegiate church in Bützow was originally built in the second half of the 13th century as the collegiate church of the episcopal residence.
  2. sv: Singö kyrka