Master from 1515

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The master of 1515 ( Italian maestro del 1515 ) is a copper engraver and draftsman who was probably active in Italy at the beginning of the 16th century . The artist, who is not known by name, got his emergency name from the year 1515 given on one of his etchings . Because of the drypoint techniques he used on copper, Germany is sometimes assumed to be his country of origin , as this technique may have originated in northern Germany around 1500 and he used it met there.

Factory and technology

By comparing styles, the master from 1515 was assigned a further 40 works around his dated depiction of Cleopatra. Using closely spaced lines, he created skilful shades and also used the effects of printing ink to further emphasize these shadow-like effects with soft lines. His motifs were mostly classical architecture, allegories and myths.


The master of 1515 is stylistically between the direction of Andrea Mantegna and a Milan school, influenced by the work of Leonardo da Vinci . The shadow effects used by the master of 1515 had also been spread by Mantegna. Possibly the master was further influenced by the illustrations in the print work Hypnerotomachia Poliphili from 1499. Elements of the motifs and techniques used by Albrecht Dürer in his engravings should also be recognizable.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernest S. Lumsden: The Art of Etching. A complete and fully illustrated description of etching. Dover Publ., New York 1968, p. 168 (reprint of the London 1925 edition).
  2. Paul Kristeller (Ed.): The master of 1515. Replicas of his copper engravings. Cassirer, Berlin 1916.
  3. ^ Hans Wolfgang Singer : Handbook for copper engraving collectors. Technical explanations, advice on collecting and storing (Hiersemann's handbooks; Volume 9). 3rd edition. Hiersemann, Leipzig 1923.
  4. Master of 1515 . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 37 : Master with emergency names and monogramists . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1950, p. 369 .
  5. Master of 1515 . In: Art Encyclopedia . The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art. Oxford 2002 (online edition, 2010).
  6. Peter Dreyer. Matthias Winner : The master of 1515 and the Bambaia sketchbook in Berlin. In: Yearbook of the Berlin museums. Volume 6, 1964, pp. 53-94, ISSN  0075-2207 .