Meleagros (General)

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Meleagros ( Greek  Μελέαγρος ; † 316 BC ) was a Macedonian equestrian officer and companion ( hetairos ) of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. He is not to be confused with the infantry officer of the same name († 323 BC) .

Meleagros led during the Asian campaign in the battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC. BC as ilarchos one of the eight squadrons of the Hetairenreiterei . He survived the campaign and was a member of Peithon's retinue during the Diadoch Wars . After this 316 BC. BC by Antigonos Monophthalmos , Meleagros organized a rebellion in the media with 800 warriors who had previously fought for Eumenes . However, he was subject to the satrap Orontobates appointed by Antigonus and his general Hippostratos and was killed.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Arrian , Anabasis 3, 11, 8; Curtius Rufus 4, 13, 27.
  2. Diodorus 19, 47, 2-4.
