Rudolf Vsevolodowitsch Vyatkin

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Rudolf Vsevolodowitsch Vyatkin ( Russian Рудольф Всеволодович Вяткин ; born March 6, 1910 in Basel ; died October 10, 1995 in Moscow ) was a Soviet Asian scholar and translator.


Vyatkin came from a family of Russian emigrants in Switzerland . He returned to the Soviet Union after the October Revolution and graduated from the Far Eastern State University (DWGU / ДВГУ) in 1939 and immediately began teaching at various institutions, including the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(WIIJa / ВИИЯ), the Moscow Institute for Asian Studies (MIW / МИВ) and at the Moscow State University (MGU / МГУ). During his tenure at WIIJa he finished his doctoral thesis entitled "The British-Chinese relations in the period from the Washington Naval Conference until the Japanese occupation of Manchuria " ( "Англо-китайские отношения в период от Вашингтонской конференции до захвата Японией Маньчжурии "). In 1949 he became a candidate for the history sciences (equivalent to the German doctorate), and in 1951 lecturer in Chinese at the WIIJa.

1956 to 1958 Vyatkin was a scientist at the Institute for Sinology and at the Institute for Asian Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR , later as a senior scientist at the Institute for Asian Studies of the Academy of Sciences.

Vyatkin mainly dealt with historical topics such as the Chinese revolution from 1925 to 1927, the relations between China and Great Britain since the First World War and with Chinese historiography . He published a total of over 120 monographs and articles. His main work is a translation of Sima Qian's “Historical Records” into Russian (six volumes, 1972–1992). Vyatkin received numerous Soviet awards. He took an active part in the X. ( Marburg 1957), XI. ( Padua 1958) and XVII. ( Leeds 1965) Conference of Junior Sinologues , as well as the XXV. International Congress of Asian Studies in Moscow 1960.

Publications (selection)


  • Историческая наука в КНР . Moscow, Nauka, 1972.
  • Учебное пособие по китайскому языку для 2 года обучения
  • Учебное пособие по китайскому языку в 2-х книгах
  • Сыма Цянь: Исторические записки (translation and commentary, vols. 1 and 2 with В. С. Таскин). 8 volumes, Nauka 1972. 2nd edition: 9 volumes, Восточная литература, Moscow 2010, ISBN 5-02-018264-8 .
  • Художественные аспекты "Исторических записок" Сыма Цяня
  • Фань Вэнь-лань [Fan Wenlan範文瀾]: Новая история Китая [ Zhōngguó Jindai shǐ中國近代史] (translation; second translation from Russian into German by Lydia E. Behrsing, edited by Siegfried Behrsing: Fan WOEN-lan: New History of China . Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1959.).


  • «Китайская революция 1925-1927 гг. и английский империализм ». In: Вопросы истории № 3, 1949 г .; in: Ученые записки Тихоокеанского института III, Китайский сборник, 1949.
  • Вяткин Р. В., Тихвинский С. Л. - «О некоторых вопросах исторической науки в КНР». In: Вопросы истории № 10, 1963 г.
  • «Биография Лао-Цзы». Reprinted in: Алексей Семенов (ed.): Лао-Цзы (Антология гуманной педагогики). Шалвы Амонашвили, 2001, ISBN 5-89147-036-5 .
  • «Последние колонии в Азии»
  • «Историческая наука КНР на современном этапе»
  • «Историки КНР о« Сыма Цяне »и« Ши цзи »»


  • Juri L. Kroll: Rudolf Vyatkin. In: William H. Nienhauser (Ed.), Ssu-ma Ch'ien : The Grand Scribes' Records , Volume 5.1 ( Shǐjì «史記»). Indiana University Press, 2006, pp. 451 ff.

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