Menachem Ariav

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Menachem Ariav (born on 18th June 1929 in Romania , died on 6. October 2017 ) was from 1977 bis 2008 Upper mayor of Nazareth Illit (now Nof HaGalil ), founded in 1957 Jewish town next to Arab Nazareth .

Ariav belonged to the Kadima party . He has been re-elected six times since 1977, during which time the city grew from 28,000 to 55,000 residents. Ariav strongly encouraged the immigration of Jews to Israel. This led to conflicts with the surrounding communities, mostly inhabited by Israeli Arabs, as the city also grew in area at their expense.

In 1980 Ariav was the driving force behind the city ​​partnership with Leverkusen . In 1999 he was made an honorary citizen by the city .

In 2003 he was one of the initiators of the founding of the Union of Jews Born in Romania (AMIR), which is to serve as the umbrella organization for all Romanian Jewish organizations and individuals.

In June 2005 he boycotted a conference on the further development of Galilee because Arab representatives had not been invited.

Individual evidence

  2. Shimon Gafsu takes over the official duties of Leverkusen's honorary citizen Menachem Ariav
  3. ^ Honorary citizen of Leverkusen. City of Leverkusen, accessed on May 22, 2014 .