Menoikeus (son of Creon)

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Menoikeus ( Greek  Μενοικεύς ; Latin Menoeceus ) is in Greek mythology a son of Creon , the king of Thebes and Eurydice . He is also called Megareus in Sophocles ' drama Antigone .

A saying of the seer Teiresias says that the Thebans can only be victorious in the battle with the seven against Thebes if Menoikeus sacrifices himself. Contrary to the wishes of his father, who urges him to flee, Menoikeus throws himself from the city wall to his death.

With Statius broadly stated: The goddess Virtus (virtue) persuades Menoeceus to sacrifice himself to Mars . After he has thrown himself from the wall, he is caught by virtus and pietas (piety) and carried into the heroic heaven.

According to Pausanias, the grave of Menoikeus was at the Neitic Gate of Thebes.


Individual evidence

  1. Euripides The Phoenicians 834ff; 1090ff; 1310ff
  2. Statius Thebais 10.610ff
  3. Pausanias 9.25.1