Mette Warburg

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Mette Warburg (born January 23, 1926 in Copenhagen ; † March 11, 2015 ) was a Danish ophthalmologist . The Walker-Warburg syndrome and the Warburg micro syndrome are named after her.


Warburg's father Erik Johan Warburg (1892–1969) was a professor of internal medicine at Rigshospitalet . Mette Warburg studied medicine at the University of Copenhagen until 1952. She then began training in pathology , but switched to ophthalmology because of poor career prospects in this field. She worked as an ophthalmologist and professor of ophthalmology at Aarhus University. Her main research interests were visual disturbances in the mentally handicapped . In 1989 she became the head of the eye department for the severely disabled at Gentofte Hospital Medical School. Warburg wrote more than 140 scientific papers. In 2005 she received the Life Time Achievement Award from the European Pediatric Ophthalmological Society .

On May 7, 1949, Mette Warburg married Erik Godfred Christiansen. They had two children (Margit, * 1952, and Jacob, * 1955). In 1958 the couple divorced.

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