Michael Aastrup Jensen

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Michael Aastrup Jensen (2011)

Michael Aastrup Jensen (born March 16, 1976 in Roskilde ) is a Danish politician .

He has been the former mayor of Randers and a member of the Folketing for the Venstre party since 2005. He became politically active at the age of 14 when he registered with the youth party Venstres Ungdom and Venstre in Randers. As a result he held various positions within these organizations.

Michael Aastrup Jensen drew attention, among other things, with the demand in an interview with the newspaper Jyllands-Posten that the Council of Europe should send election observers to the Swedish parliament on September 19, 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://jp.dk/indland/indland_politik/article2168228.ece